Stupid Paperwork

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For the most part, it was a typical Tuesday afternoon for Tony. He was sitting at one of the tables on the main floor of the tower sipping his coffee. But he wasn't just relaxing.
All sprawled over the table were stacks of papers, six stacks with 431 papers each to be exact. Recently, him and the other Avengers had been given papers from the government to sign that talked about property damage, injuries, fees, government assistance, upcoming actions and so, so much more.

Tony, being the only one who had a clue about all the statistics and information, had so graciously offered (been forced) to gather all of the Avenger's paperwork into one mountain, and he was given the rest of today to complete it while everyone else was out doing what ever Avengers normally do, which probably included making messes and giving Tony even more paperwork.

He would've used a stamp, but each paper had a different field that required actual information to be written, or a name to be specifically in print instead of cursive.

He had been at it for about two hours now, he was almost done with one stack of papers, they were about government assistance and rules that the Avengers had broken. He sighed as he finished the last paper and laid back.
There were five stacks left, two about injuries of pedestrians and people who were in buildings or in cars when something destroyed them, one was about property damage, and the last two about fees.
Tony could do 3-5 of those papers, he was practically clueless about medical and injuries and although he could've just asked FRIDAY, he was given direct orders to not cut corners.  That, and FRIDAY wasn't answering any questions related to the paperwork.

Tony sighed and went to reach for another stack of papers when he was interrupted by Stephen walking through a portal at the entrance of the common room, holding a large dark green book that looked to be in a different language in his right hand.
Stephen seemed to not know about Tony's paperwork struggles because he looked at Tony with a confused expression.
"May I ask," Stephen spoke.
"What on Earth are those papers for?"
Tony rolled his eyes and slightly smirked.
"All these papers are stupid fees, damage, and government things that I have to fill out by today."
Stephen walked over and placed his book on the table before walking behind Tony and putting his hands on his shoulders.
"That's a lot of work Tony, do you need any help?"
Tony grabbed his coffee and took another sip of  it.
"No thanks, I'll manage."
Stephen started massaging Tony's shoulders and Tony let out a deep sigh from the tension releasing.
"Please, I can do the medical papers for you, I was a doctor you know."
Tony stayed silent, thinking the statement over and Stephen took it as a yes and reached for the two stacks of papers and a blue pen.
"How will you do them?" Tony asked slowly as Stephen moved to another small table behind him. "You know, with your hands and all."
Stephen sat down, pulled a paper from one of the stacks, and readied his pen.
"I can manage a couple check marks, and I'll take my time on signatures."
"You sure?" Tony asked once more, but Stephen had already started shakily writing on the paper so Tony turned around and faced his own stack of papers.

For the next couple hours until 9pm, Tony and Stephen worked in silence. Tony would occasionally glance over behind him at Stephen who was practically sweating while forcing his hands not to shake. He felt bad for having him break his hands in order to sign the papers, but there was no way Tony would be able to finish all the papers today without him.
For the most part until they finished, neither Tony nor Stephen got up to do anything except use the restroom or to get a cup of water (or coffee). They worked through lunch and dinner, eating nothing but some crackers that were on the tables in the common room.

When Tony finally filled out the last paper and placed it on the stack, he breathed out a loud sigh and leaned back in the spiny chair he was sitting in. He lifted up his right hand that had a huge blister on his pointer and middle fingers from holding a pen for so long as well as over seven paper cuts and brushed his hair out of his face with it. He sat there with his eyes closed for a little longer before standing up and walking behind a very focused Stephen. Stephen was still working, but Tony was surprised to find him on his final paper.
His hands were shaking harshly and were littered with paper cuts and blisters. His head was beaded with sweat and his face was stuck in an adorable determined pose.
After a minute or so, Stephen finally sighed the final paper an breathed a long sigh himself as he moved it to the completed stack. Tony reached over and grabbed Stephen's hands. Startling him slightly. He brought Stephen's hands to his face and peppered them in small kisses making Stephen smile.
"Are you done with the papers?" Stephen asked Tony while he stood up and took Tony's hands in his.
"Mhmm," Tony responded, walking closer and wrapping his arms around Stephen, resting his head on his chest.
Stephen smiled and kissed the top of Tony's forehead before standing back and using his powers to grab a cheeseburger for Tony and a box of fried rice for him from the tower fridge.
"Well in that case. I'm starving. Let's  eat and go get a good night's rest."
"Agreed," Tony yawned.

Stephen and Tony sat on the common room couch as they ate, Stephen with his arms wrapped around Tony's waist and  Tony holding a napkin under Stephen's mouth as he dropped pieces of rice while lifting shaky spoons into  his mouth.

Once they ate, Tony and Stephen retreated to Tony's room and both changed before sliding under the covers. Tony wrapped his arms around Stephen's chest and Stephen curled his legs through Tony's. Stephen let free a stifled yawn and curled slightly into a ball before falling asleep instantly.
Tony glanced at Stephen's blistered and cut hands.
Stupid paperwork, he thought as he closed his eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep.

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