Eat man

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It was no surprise that Tony could get wrapped up in work. Everyone knew it, Stephen, Steve, Bruce, Rhodey, Natasha, Jarvis, Happy, Pepper, oh how the list could go on.
It was also known that Tony tended to forget basic needs such as eating. Usually, after a day or two though, Tony would snap out of his work phase and actually get a bite to eat.
However, it was not the case this time.

The past week, Stephen had been busy warping time and defeating mythical elements, so he hadn't had much free time to simply relax with Tony.
But when Jarvis had contacted Stephen about Tony's condition, he came right away.
Apparently, Tony had been exhibiting some strange behavior so Jarvis decided to investigate further and he found something shocking.
Tony hadn't consumed anything but coffee and small gulps of water that entire week.

Some of the other Avengers had noticed and attempted to get Tony to eat something, but he'd usually just lock them out of his private floor and lab.

But Tony could never resist Stephen.

Stephen walked through his magical portal into the center of Tony's (or what Tony would say both his and Stephen's) private floor.
He didn't know where Tony was, so he walked throughout the floor, checking in places like the bedroom, bathroom, mini kitchen, movie room, and sauna.
At last though, he came across Tony's private lab.
Knew it, Stephen thought as he walked to the door and placed his finger print on the panel, opening the door to reveal a hunched over Tony.

Tony was tampering with wires at the moment. He was very concentrated on making another fully functional IronMan suit, and was attempting to make it three times better than the last one.

His body was smothered in grease (the usual), and he was covered in small bruises and scratches, most likely from testing out his suit.
His eyes were almost bloodshot red, huge eye bags under them, but that wasn't the worst part.
Tony looked almost like a skeleton.
You could see some of his ribs even through the dirty orange shirt he as wearing. His cheek bones were noticeably toned, and his arms and legs looked like small tree branches.

Of course Tony didn't seem to notice this because he kept working away, focused on his design, even when Stephen walked right up behind him.

Stephen tapped Tony on the shoulder and Tony nearly jumped out of his chair.
"Steve if that's you, you can beat it," Tony growled.
"Ouch, that stung."
Tony whipped around in his chair and looked at Stephen.
"Stephen...Stephen you're back!" Tony said happily, standing up and going to embrace Stephen, except something happened.
Tony shook and nearly fell backward, but Stephen caught him and brought him into his arms.
Stephen examined Tony's ragged appearance and sighed.
"Alright I'm going to say this once, first you are going to take a shower to get all that grime off you, then I'm going to patch your wounds, then you are going to eat and go to sleep. Understand?"
Tony looked at Stephen baffled for a moment before he regained his composure.
"Listen, I have a very important project I'm working on and I can't ju-"
Stephen opened a portal and threw Tony through it, walking through after him.
The portal led to Tony's bathroom and Stephen grabbed some of Tony's clothes from the other room before shoving both the clothes and Tony into the shower.
"Don't you even think about leaving this room until you are properly showered. I'll be waiting outside."
Before Tony could open his mouth to argue, Stephen shut the bathroom door on his face.
Tony sighed and walked towards the shower, moving the curtains and turning the water on.
Oh well, Tony thought. I needed a shower anyway.

Stephen stood outside the bathroom for almost twenty minutes, constantly listening because he was worried Tony might collapse in the shower from how weak he was.
He relaxed however, when he heard the shower turn off and the sound of a towel being grabbed from the towel rack.
A couple minutes later, Tony opened the door and slowly walked out of the bathroom and towards Stephen.
Tony had taken the liberty of placing little Ironman bandages over his cuts so Stephen didn't have to do so.
"Good," Stephen said as he walked next to Tony and intertwined their fingers together.
"Now, you need to eat. What do you feel like having?"
"I feel like going back to my
lab and continuing my work," Tony growled.
Stephen scoffed.
"As if I'd let you. Now, either you chose what you want to eat, or I do for you."
Tony sighed and looked down for a moment, thinking.
"Fine, I'll eat a cheeseburger, but only if you eat with me, we can get you a salad or something."
Stephen smirked and nodded.
"It's a deal then."

Tony and Stephen sat together on one of the kitchen tables. A fully cooked cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato, onion, and ketchup lay cut up in pieces on a blue plate in front of Tony. Stephen had taken the liberty of cutting up Tony's food so it would be easier to eat and wouldn't upset his stomach after not eating for so long.

Tony wouldn't admit it, but the more he sat and looked at the burger, the hungrier he got. Tony eventually caved in and picked up a piece of the burger, stuffing it in his mouth and chewing it slowly, getting used to the sensation of having something in his stomach.
Stephen smiled and stabbed his fork into a piece of lettuce from his own salad and started to munch on it as well.

It took Tony a while to eat his burger, and he felt like throwing up twice, but eventually he finished.
Once Tony a was done, the lack of sleep finally hit him and he fell into Stephen's side and was out like a light.
Stephen smiled and ruffled Tony's hair softly as he finished his salad and once done, brought Tony to his bed and laid him down, lifting the covers over him.
Stephen then took off his robe and laid down next to him, wrapping his arms around Tony's skinny waist.
Good night Tony, goodnight.

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