Feel Better Now?

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Tony was acting like a child.
He was upset and sulking for a stupid reason, at least according to everyone but Tony.

Stephen had been knee deep in ancient scrips for the past two weeks meaning many things, but only one thing was apparent to Tony.
Tony hadn't received any hugs, kisses, or even smiles from Stephen for two whole weeks!
While it may be a petty reason to be upset, not receiving any affection or love from Stephen in over 14 days really had it's toll on Tony.
True, Stephen would occasionally pop into the lab for a moment or call him, but Tony still felt like he hadn't seen his precious street magician in ages.

Currently, Tony was in his room ( believe it or not, he wasn't in the lab :0 ) sitting on his bed and swinging his legs over the side back and forth like a toddler would do. He had his glasses on which let him see lines of code and information without having to use his computer.
He had spent the last couple of hours tossing and turning on his bed as well as pacing his room, all why muttering random statistics to himself and FRIDAY.
Peter had been in the tower that day and him and some of the other Avengers had been trying to convince Tony to come out of his room before eventually giving up and heading down to the dining room where Rhodey had brought takeout.
Tony loved takeout, especially when it involved cheeseburgers or small noodles and rice.
But at the moment, Tony didn't want to do anything else besides sit on his bed a pout.
Tony took off his glasses and ended his very long conversation that he had been having with FRIDAY and fell back, slamming into his pillow before pulling his blankets over his face.
He didn't know how long he laid there, he didn't fall asleep, but he was in that weird state of mind where your conscious, but your dreams also enter your reality, making your room turn into a space craft, your blanket turn into Aladdin's magic carpet, and other weird stuff like that.
Eventually though, Tony was brought out of his moody trance by the sound of his bedroom door opening which was weird because he'd had JARVIS super lock it meaning that only he could open it.
Well....him and Stephen that is....

After almost 16 days of reading ancient scrips and learning about new spells and castings, Stephen had finally concluded his research and was in need of one thing, a smirk from his annoying but beautiful lover.
Stephen stood up off his tower of books that he had piled in the center of the sanctum, much to Wong's displeasing, and made his way out of the doors and onto the streets of New York City, dressed in some warm black jeans, a blue New York Columbia University t-shirt, some classic white tennis shoes, and of course, the cloak of levitation draped over his shoulders.
He quickly opened a portal and walked through it without anyone except a lady walking her dog outside noticing the sorcerer's sudden disappearance.
Stephen stepped out of the opposite side of his portal and into the dining room of the Avengers tower, where the Avengers sat eating ramen.
"Wizard!" Thor spoke happily and stood up, walking over to the sorcerer and embracing him tightly.
"Well-uh, hello to you too, Thor," Stephen choked out awkwardly as Thor eventually quit squeezing his body like someone would squeeze a lemon to get juice out of it.
Thor stood beside Stephen as he brushed off the wrinkles from his Columbia University shirt and turned to face the others.
"Thank goodness your here man,"Kernel Rhodes spoke as he stood up as well, placing down his cup of ramen and walking over to join Stephen and Thor.
"Listen, Tony is kinda having a little tantrum right now," Rhodey began, aware of the snickering and laughter from the others about Tony's tantrum as he spoke.
"And I think you're the only one who can cheer him up. So, go down there and get our genius to stop pouting."
A smile spread across Stephen's face.
"It would be my pleasure."

Upon hearing the door to his room open, Tony sat up in his bed and moved the blanket that was draped over his head over to the side.
He couldn't decide wether he wanted to hug or strangle the man that walked up to his bed-side with a teasing smirk.
"A little birdie told me that you've been pouting," Stephen joked and chuckled as Tony rolled his eyes.
Tony looked down and faced the blanket that covered his legs.
"I hate it when I can't see you,"Tony mumbled quietly, almost like a whisper, but Stephen heard it.
The sorcerer's eyes softened and he sat down on the side of the bed, next to Tony's feet.
"You know, I always think of you when I do my work," Stephen spoke, making eye contact with Tony.
"I wish I could spend every moment of my life with you," he continued.
Tony smiled lightly.
"Me too, me too."
Stephen crawled over to Tony's side on the bed and leaned against him, intertwining his shaky hand with Tony's soft ones.
Tony closed his eyes and leaned into Stephen as well, smiling when he felt Stephen place a small kiss on his arm.

"Feeling better?" Stephen asked after a while of comfortable silence.
Tony still had a small smile plastered on his face.

"Much better."

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