Chapter 28

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Harry first dropped Niall off, then Louis, before returning home to his parents, who were still bickering after 4 hours. Harry then went upstairs and took a shower before falling asleep. The next morning the boys arrived at school together wishing Louis a happy birthday. "So" Harry asked, "What are you going to do?" "I don't know," Louis said. "Did you get your powers?'' Niall asked. "No, Louis lied "not yet."
"Maybe next year," Harry said. "What happened to Liam and Zayn?" Niall remarked. "They most likely went to check Zayn in because he's new to the school." Louis smiled happily, knowing Liam wasn't here to figure out he was lying about his powers. "Oh right," said Niall. After a week of school they found and attended all of their classes and discovered that they all had the same ones. Louis stated, "It's been a long week." "Yeah, I agree, my parents are still at odds." Harry expressed his sadness. "Really?" Louis inquired, his interest peaked. "Yes, I believe they will get divorced." With tears in his eyes, Harry said. "It's not a big deal, Hazzy; look at me, my parents are divorced." Louis muttered under his breath, cursing himself forgetting they didn't know. "What," they all exclaimed, turning to face Louis. "Yes," Louis stated "it has been nearly three years." "You didn't even tell me," Harry said. "Well, we weren't talking so," Louis responded. "I understand, but still." Looking down, Harry remarked. Zayn asks "What happened?." My mother had an affair with another man and cheated on my father. Louis said this while attempting to avoid looking at Harry. Niall asked, "With whom?" Louis lied when he said, "I don't know." "You do," Liam muttered aloud accidentally. "Sorry." Liam expressed his thoughts. "I'm sorry if I said that out loud." "It's alright; I understand you can't help yourself," Louis said. "Who was it, then?" Harry wonders aloud. "I'm sorry, Hazzy, but I really shouldn't tell you." "Why not?" Harry remarked. "Because you'll be upset, and I've already hurt you enough," Louis expressed regret for his actions. "Lou, just tell me what you're talking about." Harry pleaded for answers. "Did it happen to be his father?" Niall was the one who asked. "Niall, why would you ask such a question?" "My father would never cheat on my mother, his soulmate, right Lou?"

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