Chapter 24

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Harry waited in his car for ten minutes, crying, before texting Niall and Liam to say he was coming to pick them up so they could go to the mall. He arrived at Liam's after picking up Niall and briefly conversing with him so he wouldn't ask questions. He now regretted inviting him because Liam could sense how he felt. "What's the matter?" As he got inside the car, Liam said. "It's just my parents were fussing this morning," Harry explained as he drove out of Liam's driveway. Niall asks "Why." Harry stated, "I don't know."
I'm sorry I asked." Liam expressed his sorrow at having upset Harry. "It's all right, I know you're just being your wonderful, adorable self," Harry commented. After receiving a message from Zayn, Liam looked at his phone and said, "Thank you, Harry."
"Who are you texting? Niall smirked and said. Liam blushed as he said, "Zain." At the same time, Harry and Niall uttered aww. Liam jokingly stated, "Shut up." They got to the mall 5 minutes later, bought everything they needed for school, and then drove to Liam's house to swim in his pool.

"Have you had a chance to speak with Louis?" Harry was questioned by Niall. Harry frowned and responded, "No." Niall just said, "Oh." "We both said some extremely hurtful things, mostly me, but I don't believe we're mature enough yet." "That's understandable," Niall replied as he sat by the pool's edge. Liam, exclaimed, "I invited Zain!" as he brought three water bottles out. "Cool" Harry said while jumping in the pool. "I told him to invite Louis." While swimming, Harry commented, "I don't think Louis would want to talk to me." "I'm sure he will," Liam responded, but he wasn't confident given Louis' stubbornness. After a ten-minute conversation between the boys, Louis and Zayn appeared in their swimwear, however Louis had a shirt on because some of his bruises were still visible. Niall said, "Hey Zouis." Zayn responded, "Zouis." "Yes, it's your friendship name, a combination of both of your names. Niall remarked." "What's my and Zain's relationship name?." Liam said. "I don't know," Niall said. "Ziam Mayne," Louis finally said, referring to the duo of Zain Malik and Liam Payne, who together form Ziam Mayne. "Wise," Zayn remarked, "that's wise." "Thanks," Louis responded, a proud smile on his face. "Yeah, and Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles make Larry Stylinson." With a wink, Niall said. "Umm no" Louis said, hiding his blush."Why did you mention my name Niall?" Harry said, oblivious to the conversation, as he approached from the opposite side of the pool.

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