Chapter 7

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As he was walking out he bumped into a firm but soft body. "I'm so sorr-," Louis said, immediately cutting off after realizing who he bumped into. "Louis," Harry said with shock and a bit of surprise. "Harry" Louis said, upset and hurt remembering Harry left him. "Wow I haven't seen you since we were 13," Harry stated. "Yeah it's been awhile," Louis said with grinding teeth. "It's our birthday tomorrow. Are you excited, are your parents planning anything with you?" If you never abandoned me you would know my dad is always drunk and abusive towards me and my mother abandoned me just like you did, and besides its only your birthday mines is two days after yours, is what Louis wanted to say but instead he said "No," "They have to work but they promised we would do something after my birthday." "Oh" Harry said, "Do you want to come to my house?" "My parents are throwing me a party and obviously you're invited." "No thank you," Louis said in the nicest way possible. "Please Lou '' "come to my party." "I can tell my parents that your parents have to work and we can have our party together." "It can be our party, remember when we used to have our parties together with our parents and all our friends please Lou what do you say, you can even invite your friends." "Omg he is so cute when he pouts' ' Louis thought but quickly face palmed himself upset he even thought that. "No, Harry I'm good, enjoy your party tomorrow" and with that Louis quickly sped away with tears in his eyes before Harry could say anything.

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