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"Jae! Wait for me!"

He laughed, running much farther than her. "I swear to god if you don't stop running, you're doomed Jaehyun."

"Run faster if you want to say that, Ha. You're so slow." Jaehyun teased. "I'm not slow, you're too fast. Tell me, why are we running again?" Yoon gradually slowed down her pace, gasping for air.

Jaehyun looked back and saw Yoon already being left far behind. "Why did you stop? Ha, trust me on this. You will like it once we arrived." He jogged back to her. "But I'm so tired right now. Give me 5 minutes to breath, Jae."

"Just endure a bit more. We're almost there. Let's go!" Jaehyun grabbed wrist and dragged her. "Where are we going actually? Can't you just tell me?" Running behind him, Yoon struggled to keep her pace. "Just see with your own eyes. I promise you will love it!" He grinned.

Soon, a small stall came into their view. The owner seemed to clean up his stall and getting ready to close.

"Uncle Choi!"

The said owner looked up. Both Jaehyun and Yoon stopped their tracks right in front of the stall, looking exhausted from running. Uncle Choi stared at them and gasped in shock. "Oh my! Both of you has grown up so well! Long time no see, children!" He greeted. They bowed politely.

"Ya Jae! Why didn't you just tell me that we're going to Uncle Choi's stall?" Yoon smacked his shoulder. Jaehyun groaned and rubbed his shoulder. "I want to make a surprise for you. You're no fun, Ha."

"Shut up, Jae." Yoon rolled her eyes.

Uncle Choi just smiled, watching his regular customers fighting each other. Just like old times. "Uncle Choi, since when you come back? I really miss your bungeobbang." Yoon asked.

"You missed my bungeobbang but not me? Hm I'm hurt." Yoon chuckled. "Of course, I miss uncle too. Without you then there's no bungeobbang."

"So uncle, we're here to buy your legendary bungeobbang. But, I see there's nothing left here. We're a bit late, right" Jaehyun said. "That's why I told you to run faster, Ha. Look, we ran for nothing."

"Ya! How did I know we're coming here. If you just tell me where are we going maybe I can run faster."

"Okay, children. Please stop fighting." Uncle Choi interrupted their argument. "I've been waiting for you two actually. I thought you will arrive earlier but you didn't come and the bungeobbang were running out so fast. Hence, I kept yours just in case you're here." He leaned down, opening a blue container then brought out two chocolate paper bags.

Yoon and Jaehyun screamed in happiness. They excitedly jumped while holding each other's hands. "You're our savior, uncle!" Jaehyun said. Uncle Choi laughed.

"One red bean for Jaehyun and one choux cream for Yoon." They quickly grabbed each other's bag.

"Thank you so much, Uncle Choi!"

"No problem."


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Yoon froze. Her heartbeats quickened. For a second, the past memories flashed beyond her eyes. She turned to her right. Seeing him standing in front of her eyes after 10 years, sent chills to her bone.

Without wasting any time, Yoon went back inside the store. "Uncle, is there any umbrella left?" She asked.

The said person looked up from his newspaper. "Sorry, Yoon. That young man outside bought the last one." He pointed his finger to him. Yoon sighed.

Looks like I have to soak myself, she thought.

On the other hand, Hyunjae overheard the conversation. He turned around as he saw a young woman walking out from the store, looking frustrated. He looked at the umbrella he just bought then looked up to the young woman again.

"Excuse me, do you want to use this? You looks like you're in a hurry." Hyunjae asked.

Yoon stared at him in disbelief, he didn't recognize me? She scoffed. Without replying anything, Yoon ran under the pouring rain as fast as she could.

Hyunjae was left dumbfounded. What's wrong with her? Did I do something wrong? Tilting his head, he looked at his friend again. "Do I look creepy?" His friend, Younghoon, laughed. "Not at all. Obviously you're just trying to help her."

"Don't mind her. Maybe that's because she never see you around here before. She's nice though." Younghoon added.

"You know her?" Hyunjae asked. Younghoon nodded his head. "We went to the same middle school and high school. Her name is Ha Yoon, if you're curious."

"I didn't ask."

"But you seemed interested."

"Shut up, Hoon." Younghoon laughed.

"So, your job starts tomorrow, right?" Hyunjae nodded. "Goodluck bro. Congratulations in advance." Hyunjae rolled his eyes. "Now, let's go to your house. I'm hungry. You have ramyeon, right? Okay let's go!"

"Why must be my house though? Don't you have your own house, Hoon?" Younghoon giggled. "Your house is closer. I don't want to walk in the rain for a long time. I will get sick."

Hyunjae sighed. "Whatever." He opened the newly bought umbrella and both of them walked their way to Hyunjae's home.

Without realizing, Hyunjae's mind kept thinking about his meeting with Yoon. He was so sure that she looked so annoyed around him and he didn't know why. Maybe she just had a bad day, he thought.

"Who? The young woman earlier? Ha Yoon? You think about her? Why?" Shit, did I said that out loud without realizing? Hyunjae panicked.

"What are you talking about? I didn't say anything." Younghoon suspiciously stared at him. "I'm sure did hear something."

"No you didn't. We're here. Let's go inside" Fortunately, they arrived at his house and Hyunjae successfully freed himself from Younghoon's stare when the said man started to walk straight into the kitchen.

He sighed. His mind thought about her again. Hyunjae shook his head and headed to kitchen, preparing their meals together.

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