Countdown To Baby pt.1

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Laying in bed was nothing new to Luca, especially of late. Thing was, this version of laying down did nothing but give him heat flares, not to mention that he was now stranded in place. Hearing footsteps coming closer, he slowly woke up and glanced at the door, huffing softly under his breath at the view of honey-combed curls that belonged to his husband.

"Enjoy your nap?" The seaweed-green siren walked over to the brunette. "LuLu, relax. I know you're not bedridden, but you've been exhausted lately and the baby being overdue isn't helpful. Don't try to say I'm wrong, you've been sleeping in odd places for the past two weeks. So, try to get some sleep for a few hours before the countdown, because we ended up falling asleep last time." Alberto said. "Thank you. And, I'm sorry. I just want this baby out of me! They move in my belly too much, and the weight of them is not helping!" The pregnant reef siren wailed.

"Do you want me to get you anything?" Alberto worried a bit, but not too much. Not to mention, during the whole pregnancy he treated Luca as if he was a doll made from glass. "Some water, please?" Luca whimpered. "Anything for you, amore." The periwinkle siren felt tiny punches and kicks trying to hit where he placed his chilly hands. "You don't like me giving you affection?" Alberto said to the bump. "Maybe the baby doesn't like how cold your hands are, but I do." The pregnant cancerian cooed.

"Alright, let me go get your water." As he left the bedroom, Luca's belly began to gurgle. "Oh, come on, sweetie. I JUST went to the bathroom." He softly groaned as his belly growled a little bit more loudly. "Okay, okay..." He began to struggle getting up due to his belly, which is now the size of a watermelon. "You know, you're getting really heavy for mommy." The reef siren rubbed his tummy bump.

(skip to at least 4 hours later)

The two, well, three, were in bed watching Grey's Anatomy. And soon enough, a birth scene came on. As the two water signs heard the baby crying on the telly, Luca felt his own hidden little life kick. He rubbed his belly as his eyes focused on Alberto, arms crossed with the word 'angry' written all over his face.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" The brunette asked his husband. "Nothing..." Alberto quietly growled under his breath. "You're angry because the baby didn't come?" The crab softly said. "Maybe, what are you talking about?" He glared at the pregnant male before him, with a more neutral look. "You were expecting to have the baby before tomorrow. I'm sorry, 'Berto, but our kid is patient..." Luca slumped with sad puppy eyes. The older siren gently embraced the younger in a hug. "Yeah, you're right. But as long as the baby is healthy and safe, I think I'm fine." Alberto gently smiled. "GUYS, HURRY! THE COUNTDOWN'S STARTING!!" The ram yelled from the kitchen. "19... 18... 17..." Luca felt a pain in his tummy, but ignored it. "8...... 7.... 6....." He felt a shooting pain through his body, way worse than before. "......3.......2.......1!!!"

The new year was here to ring. And Luca's water was quick to gush out.


Love y'all, stay messy, and ALWAYS spill the tea!


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