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What? Why does he want to know about Valentina's past?

I tense, not wanting to tell him anything about the woman I've grown quite protective over in these past couple months.

The look of desperation on his face only confuses me more.

Alessandro DeMarco has been many things but he has never and I mean never been this desperate before, at least not since the passing of his daughter.

And then it fucking clicks.

His daughter. Valentina DeMarco. Her birthday is coming up soon and well, I brought Valentina home with me, I didn't think that one through.

But that doesn't explain why he wants to know about her past from me?

"Matteo, please. I wouldn't ask you if I wasn't desperate."

"You could do one yourself to find out. Why ask me?" He goes quiet. "I don't know, you seem to be close with her, so you probably know more than anything a piece of paper could tell me because you know it with context."

I sigh and walk over to the leather seat opposite the desk. "Ask me what you want but I'm not going to tell you her whole life story. I'll answer your questions but nothing more."

A look of relief washes of his features "Thank you so much."

"Were there ever any birth records at any hospital, was she registered?"

I shake my head no. That was an odd piece of information to find out. It's not often that no reports of someone being alive exist.

"So she wasn't born in a hospital, doesn't know her parents or any family at all?"


"And she's never found them?"

"Not that I know of."

Alessandro nods and rubs his forehead, as if trying to soothe an ache.

"Matteo. I know you must think I'm crazy but I know my daughter when I see her. And I know she's gone and I've accepted it, many many years ago. But as I said, I know my daughter. You don't think she looks like me and El?"

I think for a second, "Spitting image."

"How was she named?"

"Valentina was written on the back of a king playing card, hence Valentina King."

Something that looks dangerously similar to hope flashes in his eyes. "That might not mean anything though. Alessandro, you visit her grave every week and I know you never saw the body and I know it's hard not to have hope. If I was you I'd never stop searching, but Vee's from New York if she is your daughter, how did she end up there of all places?"

I feel like my words are harsh but it's Alessandro, he doesn't like it when people sugar coat their words. He'd rather hear the stone cold truth, no matter how uncomfortable it is.

"I know you think it's a coincidence but too many things line up. The king playing card with her name on it- you know my family's reputation. They were born the same year Matteo not to mention that she looks like my daughter. With big brown purple tinted eyes, covered in freckles and thick wavy black hair."

"Family's a sensitive topic with her and I don't want her to be upset. I'm not going to get involved with this it's not my business, but she is and that means whatever you do I'll be keeping an eye on."

Alessandro looks at me as if he's holding back a smirk.


He shakes his head, "Nothing."

I send him a pointed look just as he replies, "Sei così frustrata. Quando le dirai che seiinnamorato di lei?"

You're so frustrated. When are you going to tell her that you're in love with her?

In love with her?

I care about her a lot. I like her a lot. But do I love her a lot? I miss her whenever she's gone. I get jealous really really easily and I hate it. Just spending time with her is enough, we don't have to do anything to have fun. I adore her passion for the little things that I forget about and in the least creepy way possible I could stare at her for hours and never get bored. She's the first person I look for when I walk into a room and the only woman that has ever kept my attention other than family. Just being around her is like a breath of fresh air. She's addicting. And that's just the surface. Vee's confident and sure of herself and will do anything before asking for my help. She's so strong and brave and I've never been prouder of a person. Only she can get my heart racing with a single look or spark my skin with a simple touch. Only she can put a smile on my face on the bad days. And she will be the only woman I'll ever have eyes for, the way I do for her. I would give my life for hers in a heartbeat and if I could take away the pain she's dealt with I would do anything. If she asked for the world I would give it to her-

Okay ew.

What the fuck happened there?

Something heavy gets thrown at my face and I clutch my throbbing nose, I swear to God if it's broken again.

"What the fuck was that for?"

"I've been calling your name for the past five minutes while you've been in la la land. Get it together boy!" I roll my eyes and walk out of the room, closing the door with my foot as I exit.

Shaking my head, I try and rid myself of the love sick thoughts but when I reach the bottom of the stairs and come face to face with her, my heart rate picks up. She smiles at me, the corners of her eyes crinkling and her brown eyes softening.  

"You alright there?" Cocking her head to the side, she stares at my bloody nose.

"It's nothing I can't handle amore."

"Whatever you say buddy." Vee walks past me and punches my arm the hardest she's ever done before and I gasp at the pain, holding the spot protectively as she carries on, laughing softly at my pain.

"I hate you."

"You love me really." She shouts teasingly.

I think I'm starting to.


short chapter

remember to drink water loves


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