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After taking a warm shower in an attempt to wash away a night on the couch, I braid my hair into two plaits and do some simple makeup. I then slip on some blue jeans and a pink floral corset top, it's not as revealing as it sounds I swear.

Thankfully I avoid seeing Matteo as I walk down stairs but I'm not as lucky when I walk into the kitchen and come face with his mother and Nora sat at the counter sipping coffee.

Nora notices me first and a sly smirk slips onto her face, one that she hides by lifting the mug to her lips. "Coffee's in the pot tesoro, help yourself."

I nod and give her a wary smile as I walk over to the pot.


"So did you sleep well?" There it is.

I continue pouring my coffee, adding some ice cubes, milk and syrup to make it an iced coffee as I answer. "Yes."

They both hum and Imara pipes up. "You and Matteo seemed close, considering that you hated each other last time I saw you guys."

Picking up my drink, I spin around to face them and lean across the island from the two. "When you live with people you kinda have to become friends. He's tolerable."

Luckily, I'm saved when Luna walks in the room looking dishevelled and like she just woke up. "What'd I miss?"

Imara and Nora share a look and I roll my eyes.

"Nothing." Is what I say the exact same time Nora says "Her and Matteo fell asleep together on the couch last night."

"Nora!" I scold just as Imara chimes in "And they fed each other popcorn it was so cute."

Her jaw falls slack and her eyes grow wider, she's silent for a few seconds before she lets out a loud shriek. I wince and Luna runs over to the two smiling women, one of which who is scrolling through her phone, no doubt trying to find a picture.

All three of them 'aw' at the photos and I groan, slamming my head down onto the cold marble countertop.

"Still nothing?" Luna raises a brow and I sigh, picking up my glass and walking out of the kitchen.

"Still nothing." I shout in reply.

"What's nothing?" Matteo questions, walking down the stairs before standing in front of me.


"Don't worry about it." I shrug him off and try to walk past him, wanting to limit our interactions cause I'm weak and he slips an arm around my waist, scooping me up and lifting me gently back into place.

Matteo keeps his hand on the curve of waist as he stares down at me. His green eyes leisurely travel the length of my body and I grow warm under his gaze.

"I like your shirt." He compliments, his thumb stoking the material. I melt into his touch.

I really am weak.

"Thank you technically it's yours cause I bought it with your money but." I trail off and he ruffles my hair.

"Shut up."

We part ways after that and I make my way back upstairs.

Once I'm in my room my thoughts catch up to me and the next thing I know I'm googling.

'Italian Presidential Family'

I scroll through by the various articles, most detailing their wealth and status until I come across one particular one.

"La principessa d'Italia rubata." The stolen princess of Italy.

My eyes skim through the words, picking out a few specific ones and translating as I read.

Last Thursday night, Valentina DeMarco was reported officially missing by the President. It's currently an ongoing investigation but authorities have said that they are treating it as a kidnapping and is believed that she was taken from their home in the early hours of the morning.

Well that explains their reaction to my name. I have the same name as their missing daughter.

Another article is suggested at the bottom, looking as if it's a follow up report so I click it.

Remains of twelve month old Valentina DeMarco have been found.


My heart aches for both Nora and Alessandro, their daughter passing away so young must have been so hard.

And Luna, she must have been around nine when her younger sister was taken and she was most likely home when it happened.

I feel like that should clear up things in my head but it doesn't.

And I can't shake my gut feeling.

Maybe they really did see a ghost.


It's been three hours since I left my room.

I've been googling non stop for three hours trying to find out everything I can about this girl. It feels wrong, like I shouldn't be doing it cause it's none of my business but I can't stop.

But she's dead and I'm alive. We just have the same name. There's no connection.

I'm American for fucks sake.

I don't know what's gotten into me lately. It's been years since I tried to find my family. I accepted a long time ago that they're probably dead or don't want to find me.

So why can't I let go of it now?

Maybe it's seeing Matteo with his family. Yeah, it's probably that. It's definitely that. The holiday season is coming up in the next month. Everything is just a little too family focused in my life right now.

My door pushes open and I shut off my phone, dropping it on the bed.

"Hey Vee. You've been up here a while, you okay?" Matteo soothing voice reaches my ears and suddenly I want to cry.

"Yeah." My voice waivers and I bite my lip to distract myself. I am not going to cry.

I am not going to cry.

I am not going to cry.

"Oh, sweetheart." A single tears down my cheek and I quickly brush it off.

"I'm fine Matteo." I grit out, wiping my blurry eyes and keeping my head down.

"No you're not." He sounds closer than he was a few seconds ago but I force myself not to look, knowing I'll cave.

Matteo tucks a piece of hair behind my ear and gently pulls my jaw so that he can see my tear stained face,

"I'm fine my ass." He mutters and I shoot him a glare.

"Let's go for a drive, we'll talk somewhere else yeah?" He offers and I let out a shaky breath.



sorry my updates have been kind of shit lately my anxiety is through the fucking roof right now and i can't seem to focus.



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