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Sitting with a warm cup of green tea in my hands and my legs crossed on the floor, I sigh. Mara sits opposite me in the exact same position with the exact same drink as we catch up on the past few years of our lives and reminisce the night we met.

"I can't thank you enough Mara, you really saved me that night." I thank her for the 50th time today and she waves me off with a small 'it was nothing'.

Reaching into my back pocket I place the switchblade in between us and she gasps.

"You kept it all these years?" She asks me, placing her tea down on the table beside us.

I nod with a thankful smile, "You have no idea how many times that knife has saved me."

A knock at the door interrupts our conversation, the door pushes open and a very angry Matteo is revealed.

"Matteo I've been wondering where you were, come meet Valentina."

Oh Mara, we have already met. The one thing she forgot to do was ask why I'm here in the first place but I think I'll let her put the pieces together.

"We already have ma, she's the one who's been stealing our shipments." Just going straight out with it then are we, okay.

"She's the one you kidnapped, Madre di Dio." Mara mutters the last bit under her breath before standing up.

"I'll be back in a second mia piccola colomba." Matteo frowns at the nickname and at the politeness of his mother even after discovering that I'd been stealing from her mafia.

Sipping my tea I try my best not to eavesdrop on their conversation as their hushed voices grow louder and louder.

A couple minutes later Mara comes in with a victorious grin on her face whilst Matteo looks pissed off.

"Matteo and I have come up with an idea. Instead of killing you," she pauses to shoot daggers at her son before continuing, "We have decided that you work for us and help us make sure that no one else can succeed in stealing shipments. You wouldn't be payed but consider it a way of paying off a debt."

I take a deep breath and another sip of my tea while I mull it over.

"Also you would have to live with us so that we can keep an eye over you and make sure you won't take advantage of our trust." Mara finishes and I choke on my tea at the statement.

I know that I have no other choice, she hasn't said it but I know the only other option is them killing me. And I mean I now have no way of earning money, there's nothing I'd miss if I up and left my old life.

The only down side to this whole thing is well, Matteo.

His hatred for me radiates off of him in waves and he doesn't look happy about this whole arrangement either.

"Okay." Shrugging I place my empty cup down on the table beside me and shoving my pocket knife into the pocket in my hoodie; an action that doesn't go unnoticed by the devil reincarnated stood across from me.

"Perfetto." Perfect. Mara exclaims, grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the room, leaving her angry son behind.


"This is where you'll be staying." The assassin pushes open the last door at the end of a very long corridor. It's a simple room, with white walls and a round queen sized bed with grey sheets on them. To the right of the bed is a bed side table and to the left is a door to a massive closet.

Who knew the mafia were such interior designers.

"Matteo's room is opposite this one and there's a bathroom next door. His bathroom is currently getting worked on so he'll be using that one as well, as long as you lock the door I'm sure you'll be fine."

Note to self- lock the bathroom door.

"You start work the day after tomorrow, so are you up for a little shopping before then, tomorrow?" Mara questions as I take in my new room.

"I'll come with but I don't exactly have the money to buy a whole new wardrobe." I joke and she looks at me as if I've gone crazy. 

"As if I'd ever let you pay, you're practically family to me."

"And family look after each other." I finish the sentence for her, she said it the night we met, and I never forgot a word of it.

"Don't you forget it now, mia piccola colomba." Giving me a light kiss on the head she exits the room, leaving the door wide open.

I'm about to turn around to inspect my new room further when a smooth, deep voice makes me pause.

"You've already got her wrapped around your finger haven't you?" Mr mafia man questions with an accusing tone. His figure leans casually against my doorframe, his arms are crossed over his torso, the muscles on them becoming more prominent, catching my attention.

A small smile pulls at my lips and my eyes twinkle with amusement, "I'm starting to get the feeling that you don't like me very much."

"Why would I?" He looks me up and down slowly, his glare hardening.

"I'm a very likeable person." It's true, I'm with myself a lot so I would know.

"I don't trust you one bit, amore." A shiver runs down my spine at the way amore rolls of his tongue so naturally.

"Good for you, now if you'd excuse me I have some unpacking to do." Shutting the door lightly in his face, I can feel the eye roll coming from him as I do so.

On the way here, we stopped at my apartment and they ever so kindly let me grab all of my belongings, which wasn't a lot. All I picked up was my clothes, my crystals and a few other things.



just to be clear they did kidnap valentina but this isn't about to be some 'stockholm syndrome' shit. she's living with them by choice (kind of) and it's the mafia what do you expect? she does have all the freedom she wants, all they ask is for her to work for them and live with them for the time being so that they can keep an eye on her.

got it?

stay safe and drink lots of water


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