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I wake around one in the afternoon after the best sleep I've had in a while. The last thing I remember is falling asleep on Matteo, so I'm not sure how I ended up in my bed.

Maybe I walked up here half asleep and then just forgot about it.

I have a long shower before getting myself ready for the day.

Matteo and I are going into the office for another meeting.

Changing into some white pants and a cream sweater, I choose to wear something less formal cause I just can't be bothered. Pulling my hair into a slick back middle ponytail and put gold earrings in each of my ears, I spray my perfume on my neck and wrists before moving on to doing my makeup.

Once I'm done, I slip on a pair of heels and make my way down the stairs to meet Matteo.

"Ready?" He questions, opening the front door and I nod, following after him. I can't seem to tear my eyes away from his back and the muscles that are shown off due to the tightness of his shirt.


Walking over to the various cars parked a little to the left, he clicks the keys to a black Range Rover Sport that has cream interiors.

Very pretty car.

I buckle my seatbelt and look over at Matteo for a second. He rolls his eyes before handing me his phone, he promised that next time we go out in the car he'd let me have aux and since I don't really have a working phone, I get to use his.

Pressing play on my one of my favourite songs that I found the other day, I hum along to the beat.

No Role Modelz by J.Cole.

Pulling out of the house, we make our way into the city. The Marchetti mansion is just outside of it, away from the fast paced streets and it's refreshing to fall asleep without the sounds of sirens acting as a lullaby.

"What's your password?" His phone turned off after like three seconds and I need to put the next song on.

"zero zero zero zero." I freeze at his words, furrowing my brows. For a mafia leader guy his password is really dumb.

"Are you serious?" Unlocking his phone I shake my head.

"Yeah." How the hell? This man is so confusing, he is one of the most dangerous people in the world and doesn't even have a proper password on his phone.

I guess if anyone got too close he could just shoot or like stab them.

Deciding not to argue with him any further on it, knowing that I'll never understand, I pick out the next song.

Blue World by Mac Miller.

It takes 5 more the songs until we finally pull up to the skyscraper building.

Driving in New York is a bitch.


Spinning around in a wheelie chair that's in Matteo's office, I sigh from the dizziness. The meeting went well, it's pretty scary standing in front of a room full of men but they're sorta nice and listen to my ideas so it's not too bad.

Matteo's gone out to get us coffees and I chose to stay here, wanting to explore his office a little more without him there.

I'm a little nosy.

I looked in all of his boring cabinets that just contained files and shit. I then took the time to sit on every single chair and sofa in the massive office, the one in the left corner is the comfiest by the way. His laptop is in front of me, but I don't know the password and if I somehow did get into it, he'd probably shoot me or something.

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