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Gasping for air, I shoot up from my bed.

Another nightmare.

This time it's worse than usual.

I can still feel their phantom touches on my skin and I wrap my arms around my body, trying to protect myself from them.

Why won't they leave me alone?

Wiping my eyes I stand up, I'm a little unbalanced since I'm half asleep but I slip my slippers on nonetheless and push my door open.

I need some air.

Gripping the railing as I walk down the stairs, I make sure to concentrate so that I don't fall down. Once I get to the kitchen safely, I turn the light on and pour myself a glass of water before unlocking the back door and walking out into the not so bright garden.

"Valentina?" A deep voice comes out of fucking nowhere, calling out my name.

"Holy shit." I shriek, nearly dropping my drink.

"Matteo?" Turning to my left, I spin around to find him stood agaisnt the wall, smoking. Flicking the switch beside him, he turns on some lights that illuminate the garden, letting me see him more clearly.

"What are you doing out here?" The question slips out automatically.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Dropping the cigarette to the floor, he puts it out using the bottom of his shoe.

If Imara knew her son was smoking she would beat his ass, no doubt about it.

"Touché." I mutter to myself, putting my glass down on a table that I spot beside me and messing with the waistband of my sweatpants that I threw on before coming down.

"The real question is, why are you down here?" He steps closer, cocking to the side and looking down at me.

"I couldn't sleep." I hoped my voice would come out more confident than it does but instead it comes out tired and weak.

He hums at my response. "Why couldn't you sleep?"

"Why are you asking so many questions?" Not wanting to tell him the real reason, I deflect instead.

"Why are you so defensive?" Matteo retorts, and I glare up at him.

Somehow during our conflicts, we've moved closer and closer until I can feel his warm breath on my face and the heat emitting from his body warms mine.

As his green eyes search my face, his thumb and pointer finger grip my chin, holding it in place to stop me shying away from him and his concerned expression.

"You've been crying." He mutters, to himself more than me and my eyes widen a little.

"No I haven't." Denying his statement would be easier if I hadn't just balled my eyes out minutes earlier.

"Mhm. Then why don't I believe you?" His other hand comes up and that thumb starts stroking under my eye, where it's puffed up and red from my wiping. His pointer finger staying curled below my chin and his lips parting in concentration.

"I'm not sure, it seems like a you problem." I breath out the words, finding it hard to focus when he's so close and touching me like that. 

Matteo's eyes narrow a little yet he keeps eye contact and his thumb continues it's gentle strokes, tracing the pathways of fallen tears.

We stay in the moment for a few more seconds, the only sounds being our shallow breathing until he pulls away slowly.

"Let's go for a drive." He mumbles at me and I nod hesitantly, unsure of his motives.

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