Old Man

11 2 1

He's been with me.
I was born in this world with him.
He was part of me,
And couldn't get rid of him myself.

I tried to do things;
I tried to feed the poor.
I tried to donate my cash.
I tried to be a good person but it had no effect.

Even trying bad;
Killing my husband,
Robbing a bank,
Done no good. He was there all along.

I tried to kill myself;
A blade on my wrist,
A knife on my neck,
But still alive. And he's jumping for joy.

I tried reaching out for people;
They tried to help,
But left thereafter.
And he's celebrating for it. Have to get rid of him.

Then I met this man and He's also God.
He took my old man,
Crucified him with Him.
Replaced by this new man that am free from his bondage.

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