What's The Use

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What’s the use of that voice if you don’t sing for Christ.
What’s the use of that hands if you don’t strum for God.
What’s the use of that gift if you don’t preach for Him.
What’s the use of that skill if you don’t write for Him.
What’s the use of that talent if you don’t cook for Him.
What’s the use of that motor if you don’t use it for His glory.
What’s the use of that money if you don’t share your blessings.

After what had Christ done on that cross for your sins,
He saved you from eternal death;
The question is: What can you do for Him?
He should be the firsts of you.
He should be the first in your every step.
He should be the center if you ever in relationship.
He should be the one to idolize upon.
Have a ministry for Him.
If you haven’t known the gift God has given you; pray.
Pray what’s the calling of you and serve Him still if you yet known it.
Offer your everything for the One who Gave His all for you.

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