Can't Believe

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I could not believe
For I cannot believe what I do not know.

I could not believe
When I came to know; I can’t seem to.

I could not believe
When they spoke their testimony of how to.

I could not believe
When adults sang their beliefs; I can not bring myself into.

I could not believe
When my kin spoke of Him, too.

I could not believe
When my peers believed; I force myself I too.

I could not believe
When I was challenged to memorize; I enjoy though.

I could not believe
When things went wrong in my family; I tough up.

I could not bring myself to believe
When things gone upside down; I put my pride.

Then I believed
When my life’s on the line.

I came to believe
When I confised my sins.

I came into believing His death
When I was afraid in death.

I came into believing His burial
When I’m about to die.

I came into believing His resurrection
When I was half way through.

Now, I believe in Christ
Who died, was buried, and rose again the third day for my sins.

How about you, my friend?

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