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I have no interest in poetry
For am terrible at it, in total honesty.
I cannot seem to grasp the juices of rhythm,
At my own risk, I do not read them.

I cannot understand the flowery it gives,
Hidden beneath every poem’s mysteries,
The feeling of connection each line brings,
For I cannot connect, WIFI's my friend beast.

But influenced by children poetry,
Kiddo books, Psalms, Proverbs,
And even Song of Solomon are good reads,
Thanks to them, I can understand a little.

Writing’s an alrenative to learn more,
Finding it good, I continue to search for gold, I mean Nemo.
Learning to make songs,
Or keeping the story plot intact.

Then poetry flourished to become my friend,
I use poem to praise the God who saved my soul,
And short prayers for my God
When I cannot seem to open my mouth and speak.

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