Proven Wrong

12 1 0

A product of my imagination,
Molded to be like my expectations,
A figure made for my satisfaction,
Enjoyment that challenged my comprehension.

Yet you proved me wrong;
That you’re not just a toy to be played along,
Even you’re not that strong,
That you’re worthy to be loved all along.

These feelings of recognition,
You were part of me darted from the creation;
Woman, you’re a value that cannot be bought,
Even you show your each and every expression.

I started writing this at 8:01 P.M. and I finished at 8:21 P.M. It was an experience. I had a limit of 3 stanzas and a few words such as love, expression, feelings, recognition, imagination, creation, figure, satisfaction, enjoyment, value. It was for my former classmate’s sister. The deadline was Wednesday and fabulously, it’s next week, but I was inspired so I just shut it down. The experience made me to grab my Bible and turned to chapter 2 of Genesis. Just wanted to share. What experience have you done recently?


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