Be my boyfriend

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Jimin looked at the other when he asked that question seeing the worry in the others eyes, he looked away and sighed.
"I...., I saw her and it hit me how out of your league I am, I tried to convince myself you had led me on but I knew you hadn't .I felt....feel, so,unworthy. I told myself if it wasn't her it would be another one, I was a faze someone you would grow tired off, we hadn't even had a date ,only sex, it's ,this isn't meant to make you feel guilty you've never promised me anything I know that, but for once I wanted what couples have...."
Jungkook stared at the other frowning at his words, Jimin saw this and tried to get up to leave not wanting to hear words that would crush him.
"It's ok Kookie it's my problem don't worry I'll leave now," he winced as he pulled away only to be pulled backwards string arms holding him against the others chest.
"Jimin , I'm sorry,"
Here it comes thought Jimin, a small sob broke out of him and embaressed he tried to pull away again only to be rolled over onto his back the serious face of the other staring down at him brushing a line tear from his face.
"Please Jungkook, I've made enough of a fool of myself let's call it quits and let me go,"
"No, never, Jimin your mine, I didn't even think to ask you on a date and that's wrong, I love being around you, I especially love fucking you, I want to be with just you, will you be my boyfriend ?"
"W-what really? Like a real boyfriend ?"
"Yes like my one and only boyfriend ,"
Jimins smile could have lit up a night sky, "yes,yes,yes!" He yelled pulling Jungkook in for a kiss.
Jungkook smiled against the others lips then his smile became a frown when Jimin pushed him away and demanded they go to work.
"But Jimin...., can't we stay here, your sore, I'm the boss..." Jungkook whined.
"Nope, you gotta set an example and as your boyfriend so should I."
"But you didn't like others knowing about us before"
"That's different now your my real boyfriend so I don't mind and you need to drive me to mine so I can change clothes."
Jungkook grumbled but got up soon they had driven to Jimins where he limped around getting dressed.
Jungkook looked around while he waited.
"Jimin move in with me?"
"It's a bit soon isn't it?"
Jungkook glared at him," not if you are going into this with an open mind of staying together!@ he growled at the smaller.
Jimin stared then nodded," ok,"
Jungkook raised his eyebrows at how easy it had been.
"I'll pack up tonight and move in tomorrow ,"
"I can help tonight and you can come back with me?"
Jimin grinned at the others happy face," ok as long as you don't get bored ,I'll contact the landlord today to arrange everything."
Soon the pair were stepping from the lift , a slightly hungover Tae greeted them.
"Hi guys didn't expect to see you in Jimin you were wasted last night."
"Ah well I had a refreshing shower when I got in," a snort came from Jungkook.
"Well I'm glad you two are back on speaking terms,"
Jimin couldn't help himself giving Jungkook a sultry look he leaned towards Tae and said," oh much better than that I'm his permanent fuckboy!"
Jungkook nearly choked and Tae burst out laughing as the sassy boy made his way to his office desk.
Recovering Jungkook beamed as he looked  at his boyfriends ass when he walked away.
"Hello, earth calling Jungkook?"
"Hhmmm ?"
"I asked if it's official then because that butch has been calling all morning."
Jungkook frowned on hearing this," god is she mental or something even her father told her off , I'll contact him maybe he can reign her in and yes Jimins my boyfriend !"
Tae smirked and left to get the dirt from Jimin, meanwhile Jungkook rang the girls father.
"I'm sorry sir but she can't keep this up,@
"Jungkook I'm sorry...., I think she's going through some sort of breakdown , I've never said no to her before she didn't like it, she kept saying you were using a boy to make her jealous...."
"She must have heard about my boyfriend Jimin,"
"Oh...., we'll I hope your be happy together ...., No Damn, ..., Jungkook she heard that she's rushed off, just be careful if she turns up call me."
Jungkook sighed he hoped the stupid girl didn't try and cause trouble.
It was nearly lunchtime and Jungkook called Jimin into his office ," you hungry babe?"
Jimin nodded smiling,
"Ok let's go to the cafe near here get takeaway and eat it in the park ."
"Yay! Like a date!"
"Sure, let's go,"
They were about to leave when Jungkooks phone rang, he picked it up and started talking," hi what, well I'm going to lunch, right now? Ok you have ten minutes ,@ he raised his hands apologetically to Jimin who whispered ,"I'll go order the food meet me there,"
He got a thumbs up and quickly went to the lift. Walking from the building with a smile he didn't see the venomous look the woman watching the building gave him, neither was he aware of being followed.
He waited in the queue it was a busy cafe, he suddenly felt a twinge in his side as someone queued behind him.
"You little slut, you think you can make him yours?"
Jimin turned in shock to see the woman from the office a slightly deranged look in her eyes.
"M-miss, Jungkook has made his decision you should accept it."
"How dare you tell me to accept it!!" Your all trying to take him away from me I'll show you!"
Jimin felt that sharp twinge again and looking down he saw blood on the side of his shirt, the next instance the woman was pulled away screaming and Jimin saw Jungkook there and two other men restraining the woman after knocking the penknife away from her.
"Thank god I hit here....Jimin your bleeding!!"
"Kookie I don't like blood ,"the small boy tried to laugh but passed out after seeing his bloody shirt again.
Mmmm this pillow was comfy he couldn't lie here all day, jimin yawned stretching then wincing as he felt a slight pain . His pillow moved and he opened his eyes to see that he was in Jungkooks bed the others arms holding him close . He looked up into Kookies face seeing his eyes red and puffy," Kookie what's wrong?"
Jungkook held the other close then mumbled," I thought she had killed you, you dropped to the floor and the blood...."
Jimin frowned then it all came back, "she's gone hasn't she?@ he said nervously.
"Yes babe she's in psychiatric care, your lucky she cut you but it wasn't deep three stitches but a lot of blood."
"That's what made me pass out I'm squeamish."
The two cuddled then Jimin burst out," Niooooo!"
"What, what is it does it hurt should I get the doctor here again?"
"That bitch spoilt our date!!"
Jungkook stared at the smaller then burst out laughing," I was sobbing my eyes out because you've been hurt and all you are worried about is a cancelled date?"
"But it was our first proper date....., did you really cry Kookie? Should I kiss it better?"
Jimin kissed his boyfriend passionately but as things got heated Jungkook pulled back.
"No Jimin we can't Doctor said to be careful for the next ten days, you need to heal."
"God Damn  cockblocking doctor, no sex no date aaaaargh!"
"Aw baby we can cuddle and we can picnic in bed, I'll get your place packed up and we can live here happily ever after"
Jimin grunted," you got ice cream?"
" sure have,"
"Ok then....."
The small boy snuggled against the other who combed his fingers through his hair, the movement lulling the boy off to sleep.
"Love you Kookie," he mumbled
"I love you too baby now rest and recover," he smiled down at his beautiful boyfriend.
"Mmmmm cockblocking doc ,"he mumbled as he drifted off  much to the others amusement.

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