Couples hurdle

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It was nearly two weeks since Jimin had become Jungkooks, he'd blossomed over that time becoming more confident and a little sassy, he spent more nights at Jungkooks than his own place but still got shy in front off others and insisted that Jungkook was business like at work.
He was used to Jungkooks kisses and lusty ways it made him feel warm inside little did he know it was about to crash around him.
It was a morning like all others, Jimin was working hard concentrating on the job in front of him when he heard Tae mutter," oh shit, why is she here!!"
Turning he saw a beautiful woman step from the elevator, from head to toe she was immaculate , she was quite a commanding presence
"Who is she?" Jimin asked.
"Someone who wants to marry Jungkook and has his families support ."
Jimins smile froze on his face, he felt nauseous, so silly you are Jimin he told himself, you really thought he would stay with you someone like him?
He watched as the woman was shown into Jungkooks office, going pale as his imagination ran riot.
"Damn, I meant to pick up that printed material from the company I hired."
"I'll go!" Jimin said needing to get out of the suffocating office.
"Could you? Get a taxi there and back use this company card ok, here's the address"
Jimin grabbed his Jacket dashing outside , he saw Jungkook  showing the woman around so he kept his head down as he walked past but,
"Jimin let me introduce Miss Chian, a friend of the family."
"Oh Jungkook so formal,......Jimin is it?..... so how does my boyfriend treat you?" She placed her hard gaze on Jimin, she had heard rumours and wanted to nip them in the bud.
"I-oh good morning, sorry I am late, I have to go somewhere," he nodded to the woman and to Jungkook who saw hurt in his eyes," Jimin wait....."
But the small boy rushed off missing the furious look Jungkook gave to the woman .
"What are you doing ?"
"Oh dear, are you mad at me Jungkookie? You know your parents want this and I'm keen on the idea so why should we hide it?"
"I think you should leave, I know our families are friends but I do not let my parents plan my life. I never have and never will want to marry you, it's just not going to happen. I've tried being polite to you for our families sake but do not under any circumstances think we are a couple, now please leave."
The woman's face changed she threw an angry look towards the male," you don't get rid of me like this! I'm sure your be hearing from your parents soon!!"
She stalked to the elevator and disappeared from sight.
"She doesn't give in does she?"Tae said coming up behind Jungkook.
"Where was Jimin going and why did he look upset did you say something?"
"What no..well I don't think so.... We saw her come in he asked who she was and I said the woman your family wanted you to marry......ooops! No wonder he was eager to go on an errand!"
"Tae.......!! God he will be so confused and upset!"
Jungkook walked into his office picking up his mobile he called Jimin who didn't answer.
"Damn Jimin, pick up....."
Jimin ignored the call he had picked up Tae's order then gone to sit in a park. He watched couples pass holding hands, it looked so normal, why couldn't he have that, why was something always in the way? He sniffed as a tear rolled down his face, he truly was stupid to believe that someone like Jungkook would stay with a nobody like him. His phone rang again, this time it was Tae," Jimin? You ok where are you?"
"Sorry Tae I just slipped to the park for some fresh air."
"That's fine,erm, about earlier that woman, Jungkook doesn't like her it's just his family, don't worry he's still yours!"
"Is he Tae or am I just fooling myself until the next woman comes along......I'm coming back."
Tae heard the sadness in the others voice and made his way to Jungkooks office, jungkook held his hand up to indicate he was on phone and Tae should wait.
"No, I don't care about her false tears, I have no intention of being with her..., it's your problem , no, I'll come there I do not want you causing a fuss here!"
He slammed his phone down, "that bitch has riled up my father and thinks she can get round me that way, her father us with mine now I've got to go sort this out"
Tae nodded keeping to himself Jimins mood. He watched the other leave angrily then ten minutes later Jimin walked in.
"Thanks for getting these Jimin,um I wondered if you were up for a visit to Suga and Hobi's place tonight?"
"I Erm don't think...."
"Aw come on Jimin it will be fun, we can let loose."
Jimin remembered Jungkooks dismay when he was with Tae before.
"Will be busy with that bitch and her family they are all at his parents."
He saw Jimins face drop in shock , he knew what Jimin thought but he planned to make the other see who Jungkook really wanted, he just needed Jimin to loosen up with a few drinks for it to happen.
"Ok sure why not" Jimin said bravely.
"Dress to impress Jiminee I'll pick you up at 7.30."
Jungkook was in a bad mood, he stared at his parents and her.." So what plans has she tried to hatch?"
"Jungkook manners!" His mother said.
"You think it good manners to try and force me to marry her?"
"Jungkookie, we have known each other a long time why are you playing hard to get,"
"I'm not playing anything I have never had any intention of getting involved with you."
"Jungkook as your father I am saying I want this marriage."
Jungkook turned cold eyes to his father," you have the audacity to say that ? You may be my father but I'm the one who has been bank rolling the pair of you for the last few years, all because of bad decisions you father made, so forgive me if ignore another bad decision you want to make."
His fathers friend and daughter blustered," but Jungkook you two would make a fine pair!"
"Jungkookie we were meant for each other!"
"I'm sorry sir but your daughter is a spoilt bitch used to getting her own way, I've already told her I'm not interested yet she embaresses herself and you by causing this fuss today."
The man looked at his daughter," Is this true? Has he already spoken to you?"
His daughter had the grace to blush," but daddy I spoke to Mr Jeon and we agreed......"
The man looked at his old friend who looked away then at his daughter before turning to Jungkook and bowing ," I apologise for the mistake Jungkook, we will leave now."
"But daddy!!!"
"Out now!! You disgrace yourself and me!!"
He dragged his daughter out and left Jungkook with his parents.
"You should marry her! The money they have will......"
"That's all it is to you isn't it, money? When did you last work father, mother? I've obviously made things too easy for you, I've paid your debts bought this house for you kept an account going...., well no more, time for you both to realise you owe the world something, you can keep the house and whatever money is in the account but no more will be coming your both still of workable age and it's about time you realised how people live, don't contact me anymore, it's always been about money for you two never me." He walked from the house leaving his two astonished parents gaping at him.
He sat in his car then drove off going to a beach to sit and calm down. He tried Jimins number again but no answer.
He sat staring at the sea for hours before realising it was dark, he drove home about to go in the shower when his phone pinged.
Looking at the photo his eyes widened, it was Jimin dressed to kill in a semi see through red shirt and tight black jeans the photo was taken when he was obviously dancing. The message was from Tae' YOUR BOY WAS MISERABLE THINKS YOU WANT TO MARRY A GIRL SAYS HES NOT GOID ENOUGH,! sos! He's very drunk and being eyed up...., Hobi's bar!
Jungkook picked his keys up rapidly driving to the bar, a bouncer tried to stop him but luckily Tae saw him and explained he was the owners friend.
"Where is he?"
Tae grinned , "can't you tell?"
Jungkook frowned then turned to the stage area where a very sexy looking Jimin was singing and dancing to a song called Filter. His moves and voice had the whole club mesmerised, he was pitch perfect and those hips!!! The song came to an end and the resident DJ (Suga) spoke up," thank you Jimin a perfect performance now come on everyone ....,dance!"
Music played and Jimin danced, others surrounding him and dancing with him some as far as Jungkook was concerned getting too close.
He made his way to the small male who looked up as his wrist was gripped.
"It's Kukakoo, ... Kookie..., how are you here aren't you getting married to that haughty bitch(hic)"
"Jimin let me take you home.."
"Nooooh, I'm not kinky,we'll maybe a little but I don't do threesomes!" He slurred.
"Jimin please let me take you home,"
"Shhhhhh, I'm trying to cheer up, Kookie won't want you think Kookie will sack me, huh hey you," he prodded Jungkooks hard abs with his finger then his forehead dropped to Jungkooks chest and the other had to hug him tightly to stop him falling to the floor as he passed out.
Tae came over with Jimins jacket grinning as the small boy was slung over Jungkooks shoulder and carried out
," don't be too hard on him....., or maybe he likes it that way?"Tae yelled then smirking went back in to dance with Hobi.
Jungkook strapped the small boy in not knowing wether to be happy or sad, happy to be with him but sad that he thought Jungkook didn't want him.
Arriving at his house his mind made up he carried the still sleeping boy upstairs putting him in the shower, then sighing he turned the cold water in full blast.

My quiet boyOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara