Don't worry about me

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Jimin had rested up for two days at Jungkooks, he had kept to his room mostly which for some reason seemed to frustrate his boss.
Jimin came down for meals, only to quickly return back to his room but he was going stir crazy, he wasn't used to not working and decided enough was enough.
Jungkooks knocked on the door, "Jimin I have to go into work tomorrow , Tae has sorted the office out and I want to talk to all the staff."
Jimin nodded, his mind already thinking ahead.
"So just rest up and don't worry ok?"
Again Jimin nodded, not making eye contact.
Jungkook wanted some sort of reaction," Jimin?"
He waited, eventually  seeing Jimin look up at him.
"Yes sir?"
"Just call me Jungkook...,"
"But I can't , your my boss."
"And I hope a friend?"
"I'm not used to this....., being someone else's problem, I like the quiet life, I don't like attention on me."
Jungkook studied the agitated movements of the small boy.
"Jimin, what are you scared off?"
"I'm not scared,I-I just don't like people noticing me...,"
Jungkook walked to the smaller male and brushed a hand against his cheek," Jimin you will always be noticed...., do you not get told that by your girlfriends?"
Jimin gave a half hearted laugh," no...., I'm gay.....,not something I usually publicise..., I've not even had a relationship..., my one foray didn't get much further than the starting point..., he made a bet with friends that he would convince me to go on a date.., I stupidly did, I met him at the arranged point and..., and he and his friends decided to turn up and make fun of the 'faggot', they punched me til I couldn't stand, saying people like me should stay away from 'real' people. I think that since then , I tend to make sure I don't offend anyone."
"Jimin you can't live like that, stupid people like them don't deserve to win , they are misguided idiots, the times have changed you can't be judged for who you are, you need to start living,not hide away, your a beautiful person."
He put his hands on Jimins shoulders pulling him in for a hug, Jimin felt an immense feeling of pleasure being in his hold even to the point he nuzzled against the others collar, before realising and becoming horrified at what he'd done .
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that, I'm ....,"
His mouth was suddenly covered by a pair of lips pressing against his, before they pulled back.
"Jimin don't apologise for feelings, I think underneath this quiet shell the real Jimin is waiting to burst free."
Jimin put his fingers to his lips still feeling the pleasurable sensation.
"But why did you....,"
"Because I've wanted to and I don't believe in holding back."
"But you, your, you can have anyone you want?"
Jungkook  looked into the others eyes," what if I want you? Can I have you?"
Jimin suddenly giggled, such a sweet sound to Jungkooks ears," I wouldn't be a good catch! I've no experience I'm sure you have loads! I don't think your into virgins!"
Jungkook laughed as well," Jiminshee , I'm sure I could be in one virgin!!"
Jimin blushed," hey that's corny, now I'm going to bed."
"But Jimin I want company,"jungkook whined.
Jimin turned to his bed then turned back, " you can sleep with me but no funny business,j-just cuddle, Jin used to cuddle me when I lived at home, I miss that." He climbed into his bed, jungkook stared then,
" two minutes, I'll change and wash," he ran to his room, changing into pjs bottoms but no top he hated wearing things to bed, cleaning his teeth he rushed back to see Jimin curled up asleep in bed. Climbing in he spooned the smaller keeping him close, kissing the back of his neck, smiling to himself before falling asleep too.
During the night he woke up to someone lying across his chest a hand brushing his nipple and him with a boner. Jimins lips were nuzzled against his neck. He smiled, so Jimin was a hugger, he liked this, For hours he lay still while Jimin curled against him, his small hands touching parts of him in his sleep, making Jungkook hornier than ever.
Eventually Jungkook had to slide out of the bed going to his own bathroom to take care of the large problem Jimins closeness had caused. As he found relief he wondered if at any time in the future he would be finding pleasure inside of Jimin, something he was thinking of more and more.
He decided to spend the rest of the night in his own bed not trusting himself around Jimin, not knowing that Jimin had woken up and seeing that Jungkook wasn't in the bed as he had said he could, immediately thought that Jungkook was probably disgusted by his suggestion, he promised himself that as soon as Jungkook left for work he would go home change and go into work, to show that Jungkook didn't need to put up with him anymore. His protective shell encompassed him and he stared at the ceiling as the hours passed , hearing Jungkook get up and eventually leave, a lot earlier than Jimin thought he would. Jimn stripped the bed off putting it in the washing, cleaned the room, washed up dishes that had been left then collected his few bits together called a taxi and went home to his small apartment.
Quickly showering he changed into work clothes and went to make tea but his milk was off,he threw it away promising himself he would shop after work, then noting the time he caught a bus to work, going to the lift he saw some work colleagues who exclaimed at his appearance asking if he was ok. He smiled and nodded as they got in the lift to their floor all of them walking to the office before coming to a halt in confusion. All the desks had been rearranged, instead of closed in cubicles a see through glass screen partitioned them, headphone sets for the telephones adorned each desk, it was more open and friendly.
"Ladies and gentleman I can see the confusion on your faces and would like to explain how I run things," Jungkook said, looking around the staff and catching sight of Jimin, slightly frowning when he saw him before carrying on.
"Tae, my office manager has looked into the work you each do, hence the grouping of four desks together, you will be told where to sit due to the capabilities we see you have. Each area is a team, if someone is struggling with a workload I expect someone from that team to step in and help, it's all about communication, this doesn't mean you can sit back and let someone else carry the load , trust is what I believe in and this will show in profits, which at the end of the financial year will mean if profits are good a bonus will be seen by each of you."
He glanced around seeing people smile and murmer.
"There is another thing I would like to address, as you know a member of staff was recently injured due to your predecessor Mr Chung, who has now been charged. This staff member had gone above and beyond his normal duties and I'm pleased to say that due to the skills he has shown I am upgrading his position to assistant of the office manager, Park Jimin you will share an office with Tae, does anyone object to this?"
Jimin was rooted to the spot, worried that people who had been there longer would be annoyed at this but to his amazement there were cheers and pats on the back.
"So I will let Tae organise you and we will continue with our days work, Mr Park could you pop into my office a moment please?"
Jimin followed Jungkook into his office , which like everything else was updated and more modern . His desk was by the window an area by the door had a sofa and coffee table in front, all more modern than the previous accessories.
Jimin was surprised when as soon as the door shut Jungkook turned around and pinned him against it.
"So Jimin...., why are you in work?"
The small boy gulped at the closeness of Jungkooks face.
"I um, I need to work I'm ok."
"If you feel bad at any time today tell me and I'll take you back home."
"Don't worry about me, I'm sorry to have taken up your home and time, and , I'm im sorry about my silly suggestion last night, of course I knew you wouldn't I don't know what came over me I'm not normally like that but as I say don't worry about me and I'm I've already moved back home," Jimin stuttered out blushing in embaressment.
Jungkook stared in disbelief at the pretty male in front of him," so..., you think I didn't stay last night...., let me tell you Jiminsssi, I woke up being cuddled by the most adorable man sprawled across me, hugging and touching me, it felt so nice I got aroused, I had to go and sort myself out and didn't trust myself if I got back in bed with you, so Jimin don't think I don't want you because I do and here's a little taster," he pressed his lips passionately against Jimins, one hand going behind his neck the other on his ass as he pulled him close, he nipped at his plump bottom lip making Jimin open to him then tasted inside, Jimin couldn't help but moan at the pleasure of the kiss, joining in and feeling bereft when those lips left his, Jungkook leaned his forehead on Jimins," fuck you sound sexy when you moan, no don't pull away, can you feel what you do to me..., seems like Jimin junior is having the same problem."he pressed Jimin close making a little gasp escape from him, then stepping back he looked at the aroused boy in front of him, " god how I want to see how you look after I've well and truly fucked you!"
Jimin gulped tidying himself up and rushing out the door hearing Jungkook laugh at his escape.

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