Charm and jealousy

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Jimin had been working in his new position for two weeks. During that time he had felt exhilarated at his workload he loved being busy, he also found that Tae was funny and easy to get along with.
Jungkook on the other hand made him confused, after their kiss Jimin found himself day dreaming a lot about it, he hadn't known something to have such an effect on him before.
Jin had visited him at home to check he was ok and they had chatted about his job, Jin asking a lot about Namjoon which made Jimin smile.
Jungkook had been extremely busy getting the business to run in a more productive way.
He now had it running smoothly and was waiting to carry on with his next agenda which was.....Jimin.
Jimin rushed in early to work eager to get busy, he went to the kitchenette area to make himself a drink only to crash into Jungkook as he turned around.
"Aaaaagh!" Hot liquid tipped onto his shirt, he dropped the now empty cup.
"Fuck!" A strong pair of hands literally stripped the shirt from his body where the hot drink had soaked through.
Jungkook picked the small boy up rushing him into the en-suite bathroom of his office , he soaked a towel in cool water before wringing it out and placing it on the angry red area where jimins shirt had been.
Jimin squirmed relieved at the coolness but embaressed at how he was standing in front of his boss with no shirt on., but glad no other staff were in yet.
Jungkook reached into a cabinet finding some cream which he gently rubbed into Jimins skin relieving it immensely.
Jimin felt the strong fingers rub carefully on him nearly sighing in pleasure.
"There....., now let me get a spare shirt I keep here,"Jungkook vanished coming back a short time later with a plain white shirt. Jimin put it on, aware it was going to be baggy on him but after tucking it in and rolling the sleeves to his elbow it didn't look too bad.
Jungkook vanished again coming back with a hot drink and placing it on the coffee table in front of the sofa in his office," now drink up it's still early, nobody else is in,"
Jimn debated on wether to stay or not but decided not to create a fuss and sat and drunk it up before standing up to go but finding Jungkook immediately at his side.
"I'm sorry Jimin , I didn't mean to hurt you."
"T-that's ok it was an accident ,"
"You know when I was little my mother always used to say she would kiss it better if I got hurt,"
He swooped towards Jimins mouth eager to again taste those plump lips. Jimin sighed as their lips met glad to feel that pleasurable tingle.
What started out innocently progressed to a passionate kiss, Jimin giving as good back. Jungkooks hands went to Jimins ass dragging him close, Jimins hands clenched Jungkooks shirt, both were lost in the moment  until chatter drifted through to them as people arrived to work . Jimin pulled back embarrassed at himself. He looked at Jungkooks lust filled eyes before straightening his clothes and nearly running from the office.
Jungkook stood frustrated, sighing as he looked down at himself," not today," he muttered to jungkook junior as he calmed himself down and sat at his desk to work.
Jimin felt flustered at his response to Jungkooks kiss, he had joined in and wanted more, where had his rational thinking gone!
"Hey Jimin, you ok? Can you take a look at this file I know somethings wrong and it's staring me in the face but I can't find it." Tae said.
"Sure," Jimin grabbed the file glad to have something to concentrate on.
Half an hour later Tae walked into Jungkooks office with the file.
"I think I'm in love with Jimin," he sighed.
Jungkook frowned,"WHAT!"
"He's so charming so cute, didn't point out what an idiot I was for not finding the problem, just said it could happen to anyone,aaah,he's adorable!"
"Tae, keep your grubby little hands off him you man whore!"
"Ooooh, does someone have a crush ?"
"I swear to god Tae , I'll personally castrate you if you touch him....., he's mine!"
Tae smirked," I knew it !!you've been gaga over him since you met him! You fell for his charm and now your jealous, yay the great jungkook has finally fallen!!"
Jungkook shifted uneasily in his seat," Damn what's he doing to me? I've never been like this before......"
"Huh , that's because you've never been denied before..., and you call me a manwhore you jealous hoe!"
"But there is something about him, yes he's charming, cute and stunning but I feel there's a lot more to him that he's hidden away...."
"Ah, this will be fun..., but don't you hurt him, I've become rather attached to him, in a non sexual soulmate kinda way."
"I couldn't hurt him! I feel like I need to protect him,"
Suddenly the door burst open," hey hoes, I'm back, what's been happening?"
"Suga! I thought you were back next week, we missed you, we need a night out!" Tae yelled.
"Yer, we'll I finished the deal Quicker than I thought, I am now the owner of club Euphoria and Hobi......, where the hell is he?"
"Hi guys, you called you grumpy old man?"
"I'm not grumpy you just vanished and I was telling them about the club and was going to mention your interior designs for it but you weren't there!"
Hobi gave the grumpy male a peck on the cheek," I was just talking to Jimin."
"Jimin? He's here, where is the little moochi?"
Suga ignored the amazed gazes of Tae and Jungkook and rushed out the door, they followed seeing a small figure engulfed in Sugas grip and a massive smile on Sugas face.
"So you two know Jimin?" Jungkook asked.
"Oh yes from before we met you, we all lived in the same road, Jimin was a little terror when he was small, he has the face of an Angel but can be a devil....., or could, he changed after his parents died in an accident, another friend Jin's family took him in. He stopped being so loud but exerted his energy in other ways, terrific dancer, he suddenly started shutting himself away from things around the age of seventeen, he got his own place and did night courses, loved business and being busy, Suga and I moved around but kept in touch, not as much as we probably should have......, Jimin seems like a different person............"
"Your describing someone we don't know, he's very self contained and quiet, him being a devil is the total opposite to the person we know," Tae said watching as Jimin withdrew from Sugas hug, they saw him nod and say something before walking away to his office. Suga stared after him frowning then turned and walked back to Jungkooks office.
"Hell Jin said Jimin is becoming introverted, I didn't think he'd be like this." He sighed looking at Hobi.
"I know babe, maybe now we are back we can find the old Jimin huh?"
Namjoon walked in smiling when he saw the others,
"Hey welcome back!"
"They know Jimin and Jin the doctor."
"Jin..., you do?"
Hobi smirked at Namjoons intenseness over Jin," oh so you like Jin huh? Well we will have to invite you all when we open the club."
Namjoon nodded happily.
Jungkook coughed, "well guys how about a meal later got work to do now"
"Yer sure, we need to buy stuff for our new home, it's not far from you Kook!"
"Great, how about takeaway at mine tonight 7.30?"
Everyone nodded then went back to their daily routine.
Jungkook sat at his desk, he was right there was a side to Jimin that he didn't know, swinging his chair he thought of ways to get shy Jimin to break out of his shell, he remembered Jimin sighing when he rubbed the cream on him...., so Jimin liked to be touched? Hmmmm, just how responsive could he be, jungkook groaned as Kookie junior rose to the occasion , something that was happening far to frequently since meeting Jimin!

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