Facing the boss

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"Wow that must have been some knock" a voice whispered.
"He shouldn't have got hurt at all how could you let the door close?"
"It's not my fault I didn't know the keypad number!"
"But Jimin got hurt because we had to get it from a staff member!"
"Fellas keep it down it's a hospital"
"Sure Joon," they both said.
A small groan came from the bed, three heads swung towards the sound.
Jimin opened his eyes wondering why he had such a bad headache, then things came back to him, looking wildly around he saw three faces looking at him.
"It's ok your safe."
Jungkook walked to the small boy determined he wouldn't feel scared." I'm Jungkook your new boss remember me?"
Jimin stared and nodded wishing he hadn't when pain pierced his head.
"M-mr Chung?"
"Has been arrested and locked up for fraud and attempted murder."
"H-he said he was going to blame me...."
"Jimin don't worry , Mr Lee is an old friend he brought me into this a while back sure something was going on, he wanted to sell the company but wasn't sure he could as something was going on, I bought it knowing this,I've been investigating a little, but you, you easily found the information, you would make a good detective!"
"I didn't really do much, I find business matters easy I like to keep busy, I enjoy work."
"Well I thank you, due to your compilation we have all the evidence we need......"
Jimin sat up feeling a little woozy but not wanting to show it.
"Hey what are you doing you had a bad bang to the head."
"Oh I'm sure it's fine, I need to leave."
"But why , the doctor is worried about concussion..."
"No it's fine, this looks like a private room? Why did they put me here I need to go..., I don't like hospitals...,"
Jimin swung his legs from the bed, Jungkook grabbed him as he swayed but he brushed his hand away just as the doctor came in.
"Park Jimin! What are you doing out of bed !" He yelled.
"Oh no," Jimin muttered as the others looked surprised at the doctor.
"You need to rest, you can't go home no one is there to look after you, I would but I'm on night shift."
"Jin, please don't fuss, I want to go home, you know I hate hospitals!"
"Jiminee, what if you fall, or pass out or ....."
"Jin don't be dramatic, I'm going home."
"He can stay at mine, I will keep an eye on him ."
Jin and Jimn stared at the handsome man who spoke.
"Hmmmm, Jimin,"
"Ssssh he's my boss of course I can't stay with him!"
"I assure you ,Jeon Jungkook is a good person Doctor?"
"Seokjin," Jin smiled at the man behind Jimins boss," but call me Jin."
"I'm Namjoon, Jungkooks assistant manager and friend."
Jin nodded again smiling.
"And if anyones interested I'm Tae!!" A voice behind Namjoon said.
For some reason this made Jimin giggle the sound beautiful to hear, all the males looked at him.
"So Jimin what's it to be, going home with Jungkook or me restraining you in the bed?"
"You wouldn't ,"
"Try me,"
"But Jin!" The small boy whined making Jungkook cover his smile with his hand.
"Don't Jin me, it's hard enough to get you to look after yourself properly, so you can go home with Jungkook....?"
"Fine but just for tonight,"
"Ah no at least a couple of days."
Jimin muttered under his breath," fine where's my clothes?"
Jin helped him to the bathroom then turned back to Jungkook," I'll give you some painkillers for him, he is to rest not work, he'll probably go stir crazy he doesn't know how to relax, in case your wondering we grew up next to each other and Jimin moved in with us at thirteen when his parents died, little brat is too independent for his own good!"
Jungkook nodded sending Joon to pay the bill and Tae to get the prescription while he waited for Jimin.
He wondered why this small male interested him so much he'd been so worried when they couldn't get through the door , his head turned when the bathroom door opened, Jimn gripped the frame his face pale , Jin chose that moment to come back in followed by the other two males.
"Jimin sit you look awful."
Jimin sat glad to let his shaky legs rest up.
He was pushed by Tae out of the hospital to a sleek dark grey car where Tae helped him into the back passenger seat, Jungkook getting in beside him.
Namjoon drove with Tae next him , soon they arrived at a modern looking house, Jungkook got out going around to help Jimin,
"So sweep the offices for any devices and see what else you can find out , see you," he waved them off turning to Jimin seeing him unsteady .
"Come in," he took hold of Jimins hand, Jimin looked around admiring the sleeks lines of the house, he yawned .
"Are you hungry?"
"No ......too tired.You eat though ,"
Jungkook walked Jimin up the stairs to a room
"I hope this is ok? "
Jimin didn't even look just climbed under the covers and curled into a ball, dropping of to sleep straight away, Jungkook laughed then sat at the edge of the bed carefully brushing Jimins hair from  his eyes freezing as Jimin unconciously gripped that hand and held it under his cheek.
"Well,...... at least he likes me, "
He thought sitting there for nearly half an hour before Jimin turned the other way letting his hand go, a fact that disturbed him.
He went and showered then went to the kitchen to make something to eat.
He was sitting in the sofa watching tv when he heard a thud, quickly running upstairs he went into Jimins room to see him sitting on the floor holding his foot.
"What happened are you ok?"
Jimin looked up blushing," I'm sorry I forgot where I was and walked into the cabinet, at home that's where my bathroom door is."
"I should have left the light on I didn't think," Jungkook said.
"It's my fault, I'm sorry to bother you, I'll just use the bathroom please go back to what you were doing I don't want to intrude."
Jimin hobbled up and glanced around realising where the bathroom was he started to make his way there.
"Jimin are you hungry?"
"No, no I'm fine...., "his stomach chose that moment to rumble and he blushed in embaressment.
Jungkook tried not to smile," er , well I think you should eat before taking more medication and drink something."
Jimin nodded," ok I'll go find the kitchen afterwords ."
Jungkook went back downstairs, Jimin used the bathroom and washed up seeing an unusually pale face with a large plaster at the side of his forehead. He went downstairs looking for the kitchen, eventually getting there to see Jungkook standing making something.
"Oh your here, I'm just doing some noodles , what drink would you like?"
"Erm tea please,"
Soon a bowl of food and a tea were placed in front of him at the table.
"Aren't you eating?"
"I had mine when you went to sleep a couple of hours ago."
"What's the time!"
"Nine o'clock ,"
Jimins eyebrows rose, he didn't know where the time went!
"Look thank you for letting me stay here, I've slept a bit and I'm sure I'll be ok now, so if you let me know where I am, I'll call a taxi and go."
Jungkook stared at the small boy who was trying to be obliging and reassuring, not wanting to be the centre of attention.
"No Jimin I'm sorry but you look......, pale and in need of rest....., and your friend Jin scares me!," he said with a smile.
Jimin could see it was useless to argue and to be honest his head was aching again so he nodded only to wince at the movement.
Jungkook stood up to get something coming back with Jimins medication.
"Thank you......, look I don't mean to sound rude about all this but well your my boss! You shouldn't be bothering about me."
"Jimin, I treat my staff well they are not just people I employ they are human beings, you got hurt it shouldn't have happened and I'm going to make damn sure that I help you to recover."
He didn't add that he found this small male fascinating from his beautiful face to his perfect ass, he was someone Jungkook wanted to know better.
"Ok......, I'll leave you in peace and go to my room, Erm I will keep the lamp on if you don't mind..... I'm scared of the dark," he mumbled.
Jungkook saw how the other was embaressed by admitting this, his heart beat faster, he wanted to protect this man he wanted to keep him near....., he wanted to make him his.

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