author wants to say smthing...

141 4 4

Hey guys~

I know i know..

You guys are so .... I mean i dont have words who are giving a try to read my story... Am really happy just because of you guys....

I tried writing some stories.. But they are fail... But you know i gotta fact of how i should write a story now.. So am write then like this...




I know the last cheaper was boring but this is what jungguk is am trying to show in this stories...

Am sorry that my english is weak.. But am improving myself through stories and

I hope you guys will read the whole story..

I also dont know how many chapters will be the there...

But the story... You guys are making it rocks......

And am so thankful of you guys...

And the next chap will be about  jungguk.... His insecurities....

Thank you ....! Thank you Soooooooooooooo much for giving me a chance.

I appreciate your votes ....cause that will make this story reach others..💜


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