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So this is my first book out of many ideas and i'm open to comments and suggestions from everyone. It's mostly from a boy's point of view but you'll get to see other people's point of view. It will really mean a lot to me if you could comment and vote , tanks y'all.

Jason dragged his sleepy feet to the bathroom staring at the mirror, yep, same old me he thought as he wore his glasses, recommended glasses, actually not recommended, just to disguise his look. He himself didn't understand why, just because his aunt told him he had to keep low from everyone at school, he wasn't even popular at school!.

Putting off the glasses, he entered the tub and switched on the tap as warm water gushed out of it making him relax inside. The water was a little bit hot, it would pay a lot better if it were cooler he thought and at once the steam reduced, he smiled closing his eyes to relax a bit..... a bad mistake..


A man moved at a speed that would cause the nearest checkpoint officer to rethink his report of the day. He jumped over a car and branched through the forest, his heart thudded heavily within him, not fast enough he thought franticly as a high pitch laughter rung around him.

He entered a clearing as dark shadows surrounded him in collums, he stretched his arm making a short blade appear, glittering in the sunlight. The shadows stepped back obviously irritated by the light, he glanced around looking for someone, he isn't here he thought happily for a second until a man in a dark long sleeve cotton shirt stepped out of the shadows.

He twirled two knives in his hand with a grin plastered on his face,

"hello guardian, fancy meeting you in Texas. What do you want?" he asked,his voice full of hate.

The guardian stepped back, he couldn't allow them to know why he was here, doing that would be condemning the whole of Aratia to death. He consciously felt the jewel in his pocket while staring at the shadow leader, he had to get it away from him, had to find the prince. The shadow leader stared at the pocket, his grin slowly edging away and at once came back,

"the jewel of artemon"he started,
"How convenient of you to deliver it to us, we were about to go searching for it" he said,

The guardian turned the sword in his hand and shot a bolt of light at a shadow column watching it explode on touch. That distracted the leader as he removed the gem from his pocket murmuring to it,

" aeto, collectus, illummino, elixtu" he said as the gem flared up and vanished.

The scream of the shadow leader tore through the day as he ran towards the guardian in a clash of blades, soon the shadows morphed into men and stepped into the battle.
In a quick space of time the guardian was overwhelmed and brought to knell before the shadow leader, "Where is HE?!!" he screamed,

The guardian stared into space looking into the mind eye of jason and smiled, Ikir he murmured as a blade came down decapitating his head as jason woke up with a stutter from the water.

After coughing the water out of his lungs, he stood up grabbing his towel and stepping out of the tub. He dried his body and put on his xtreme biker shirt and light blue jean before combing his hair.
Something shiny caught his attention making him turn, a shining stone stared at him on his bed. His breath caught in his throat as he moved closer to his bed, the gem flashed in his head, the guardian, the Shadow warriors, the leader, the gem, ikir . everything he dreamt about, he gasped in fright, WHAT THE HELL?!!!!!
Hope you liked the first chapter, it was a little short, so many ideas but I had to choose one path. I would be grateful if you could like or comment on the story.I'll be updating regularly so no need to fear ,love y'all and before I forget, I don't av a cover picture yet*blush* so i'm open to ideas from everyone. Forward ur pictures of a suitable cover and let's see what you can do!. Dedicated to flyboy for his encouragement to write,floreat friend
P.s:hope u like my media picture, from a friend writer like mine:)

HEIR OF LIGHT Book1: The lost princeWhere stories live. Discover now