Love's not strong enough (Tadaai)~☁️

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A/N: requested by thermal940 not matchablossom, but I thought I'd give it a try.

"Ainosuke-sama," Tadashi said as he entered the office.

It had been a busy day. Ainosuke had been in meeting after meeting, not getting to rest or drop the facade he put up. Sighing, he looked up at Tadashi and wondered why the man was there.

"Is there something you need, pup?" He asked, his voice smooth despite how tired he felt.

"Your aunts request to see you," his assistant replied in the same, monotone voice he always used when talking to Ainosuke. "They'll be waiting for you in the tea-room."

Ainosuke groaned and dropped his head onto his desk. He didn't want to deal with his aunts, not now, but he knew what would happen if he didn't show up. So, he stood up and plastered a fake smile on his face, looking straight at Tadashi.

"So what are we waiting for? Lead the way, puppy," he cooed, stroking Tadashi's hair softly. "Hm, we should get you a new shampoo. Your hair isn't as soft as it usually is."

"Now's not the time for that," Tadashi replied bluntly and turned around. "We can't leave your aunts waiting."

With that, the two of them left Ainosuke's office and made their way to the tea room. Ainosuke felt like a child again, doing the walk of shame after he did something bad and his aunts wanted to "correct" him.

Soon, he found himself standing in front of his aunts, feeling as small as ever. He noticed that Tadashi hadn't entered the room with him as he usually would, leaving Ainosuke all alone. They were looking at him, the same unreadable look on all of their faces. Ainosuke never felt intimated, he was ADAM after all, the Matador of love, the best skater at 'S'. But that didn't seem to matter when he was in the presence of his aunts.

He felt scared.

He wouldn't show it though. He would never allow his aunts to see what effect their love had on him, nor would he allow himself to reciprocate that love onto Tadashi. Not any more. He was getting better, or at least trying as hard as he could. It wasn't easy, but Ainosuke was sure that he wouldn't give up.

"Is there something you need, aunties?" Ainosuke replied in a calm voice despite the turmoil inside his head.

"Ainosuke, sit," one of his aunts said, gesturing to a small chair opposite to theirs. "We would like to discuss a few things with you."

Trying to swallow the growing lump in his throat, Ainosuke did as he was told, folding his hands neatly on his lap. He gave his aunts a polite smile, numerous thoughts going through his mind as he thought about what they might need to talk about.

Was it his campaign for Mayor? Despite everything that had happened recently, there was nothing on him that would dampen his reputation in the political world, away from skating and 'S'. So it must be something else. Something more personal to him. Marriage, perhaps? His aunts did mention once that he wasn't as young as he used to be, and that there were many beautiful women that would make a lovely housewife. But to be honest, Ainosuke wasn't interested. He had everything he wanted with Tadashi.

Ainosuke froze up slightly and his eyes widened with realisation. Tadashi. Of course. Quickly relaxing, he tried not to make his worry apparent on his face. They wouldn't, would they? Yes, his aunts weren't very nice, but they wouldn't do anything to someone so important, both practically and emotionally, to Ainosuke, would they?

"It's about your... assistant," his second aunt sniffed, pulling Ainosuke back into the room. "Many members of staff have told us that the two of you have become rather close over the last few months. We're worried for you."

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