Cheat pt2~☁️

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A/N: for DEADLY_XX_Queen, I hope this part two will be sufficient for you.


I messed everything up.

Drinking alone was a bad idea, especially when I was mad, so I decided to go to a club. I tried messaging and calling Kaoru but he didn't answer, so I soon gave up. I should have taken that as a hint to just go home and forget about the whole thing. But I was stressed, a week of non-stop work wasn't great, and I deserved some time to relax.

If only I hadn't gone to the stupid club.

That's the whole reason I'm in this situation, sitting on the floor with my back to the bathroom door, hearing Kaoru cry quietly on the other side. I want to go in there, to comfort him, to apologise until he takes me back. But he won't. I broke his heart. In the end, I'm no better to Kaoru than he was.

"Hey, Kaoru?" I called put quietly once the crying had stopped. "Look, I know you hate me, you have every right to, but can I come in? I feel like I need to explain everything to you."

"You don't have to do anything," Kaoru hissed. "Just go away and leave me in peace. I'm sure you have a woman to comfort somewhere."

So that's what I did. The leaving part, not the comforting some woman. I decided to go to the skatepark for a while to take my mind off of things. It wasn't too far from the house, so I could quickly make it back if Kaoru needed anything. Though I doubted that he did. Ever since that night, Kaoru had spent every waking hour actively trying to avoid me. He was either at work, shut up in his room, or crying in the bathroom.

I hated it the most when he was crying, when all I could do was sit on the other side of the door and hear all the pain I put him through. It hurt me to hear it, but I deserved it. I deserved to be in so much more pain than Kaoru was, but I could feel nothing but guilt.

It was a guilt that ate its way through me, twisting and turning in my gut until it crawled up to my heart, surrounding it and squeezing it tightly until I found it hard to breathe, to do anything without being constantly reminded about what I had done. The guilt even made it into my dreams, warping even the most calming of images into something cruel and painful. Yet I knew that it was nothing compared to what Kaoru was feeling.

I didn't do much skating in the end, and just stood on my board, the feeling in my chest too great to ignore. I ft bad for leaving Kaoru, but space and time away from me was what he needed right now, and I wouldn't take that away from him, not like I did with everything else.

I only spent a couple of hours at the skatepark before I went back home. I walked slowly, not bothering with skating. I now understood how Langa felt. Skating without the person you love wasn't enjoyable, you didn't get the same rush of emotions as you did with them by your side. I didn't see the point in skating if I couldn't find happiness in it.

The house was quiet when I got back, and the bathroom was now empty. I let out a sigh of relief at that. It was selfish, but seeing Kaoru cry would only make things worse for me, and I wanted them to get better. I needed them to get better. For the both of us.

Kaoru was sitting on the sofa, eyes still slightly red and puffy but his face showed no sadness. He had two suitcases next to him, and a box filled with everything to do with Carla. I understood everything and saw no point in asking when the answer was so obvious.

"You're leaving," I stated my voice level and even.

"Yes, I am" he replied, his voice taking on a hard tone I hadn't heard in years. "I'm staying with my parents until I can find a place of my own."

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