Please don't leave~☁️

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3rd person

  Cherry couldn't help but let his eyes wander to Joe's as he got ready for the race. He wondered where everything went wrong. He shook his head but couldn't help thinking about when they were younger.

  He tried to focus but his mind kept bringing up the memories he would much rather forget. Memories of when he and Joe were together. And memories of when they fell apart.

Three years ago

  Kaoru and Kojiro had just come back from skating but things seemed tense between them. Kaoru noticed that his supposed boyfriend was flirting with girls again. He didn't want to look at Kojiro and went straight to his bedroom, tears falling down his cheeks. Was he not good enough? Did Kojiro not love him anymore? If that was the case, then he should say something instead of just leaving him confused and hurting.

  "What's wrong?" Kojiro asked, opening the bedroom door and stepping inside. "Kaoru, please tell me."

  Kaoru sat up and wiped his eyes, glaring at the green-haired man. He couldn't do this anymore. He needed to be with someone who wouldn't flirt with other people when they were together. He wanted someone he could rely on. Someone he knew wouldn't hurt him again.

  "I think we should break up," Kaoru whispered, tears still falling down his cheeks. "Every time we go anywhere, you always focus more on girls than on me."

  "You never told me you felt like that," he said, sitting on the bed.

  "I shouldn't have to tell you, Kojiro! I'm your boyfriend, you're not single anymore. You have me, but I'm starting to think that this isn't working. That I'm just not enough. You always seem to want something else. You're just as bad as Adam."

  Kojiro turned his head away from Kaoru, tears flooding his vision. So this was how he truly felt. He thought of Kojiro as a second Adam.

  "At least I didn't break your heart," the taller man muttered.

  "But you have," Kaoru whispered. "And for some reason, it hurts even more."

  Kojiro stood up and blinked back his tears. He understood what Kaoru was saying and left his house. Kaoru sat on his bed, tears still falling down his cheeks. Why did it always end up with him being hurt? Why couldn't he just find love and be happy like everyone else his age?

  "There's something wrong with me, Carla," he whispered to his AI assistant. "Why am I never good enough for anyone?

  He didn't wait for a response and got undressed, crawling under his sheets and pulling out his phone. He could try to challenge Adam again. Kaoru wasn't scared of him. Adam cared about him and Kojiro, he'd never hurt them.


  Cherry shook his head and focused on what was happening now. He and Adam were finally having a beef after all those years. It was going to be just like it used to, a friendly competition between the two men. But the nagging voice at the back of his mind was telling him to stop this, to just forget about everything that had happened between them. But Cherry couldn't let go yet, not until he knew how Adam felt.

  Three, two, one.


  My eyes narrowed as I watched my old friends jump onto their boards. It was stupid. Kaoru knew that Adam had changed, so why was he so determined to do this? Did he still really believe that there was some good in that devil of a man?

  "You're a moron, Kaoru," I muttered under my breath.

  The girls around me held onto my arms and I gave them a flashy smile before focusing on the screen that displayed Kaoru's race. He was still the same as he used to be, a stubborn man who I loved dearly. But I ruined things between us.

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