Chapter 14

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“I love you!” You screamed causing him to gasp in astonishment. You stare at him teary-eyed, it leave Mikey speechless and just stare at you, can’t believe what he’s just heard.

“Please don’t die, don’t leave me, Mikey.” You added in whisper, still trying your best to lift him up but failing.

As you try to strengthen your grip on him never wanting to let him go, your body begins to go numb, tired and exhausted but you’re eager to save him.

You are the reason of him turning to this, you must be the one to save him, save him from his misery.

“Darling it really made me very happy but…I’m sorry you can’t have someone like me.”

Upon hearing it, it ache your heart; it gives you so much pain. It's clear in his eyes that he's now giving up.

Is there any way to save him?

“Don’t say something like that to Y/N,it makes you less badass.” You utterly gasp hearing a familiar voice next to you, you turn to see the man leaning in and holds Mikey hand.

“Chifuyu?” You even tear up to see Chifuyu there beside you, helping you.

When everything goes mess, he was always there to help you. You and Chifuyu pulled Mikey up, finally and successfully.

After saving Mikey, he remained motionless, leaning down his knees on the floor and were looking down.

After what had happened, it leaves him unable to face you. He was ashamed after what he did, he can’t face you.


After a long time…after twelve years, you finally got to embrace him.

You wrapped your arms around him, and pulled him closer to you, caging him in embrace.

It’s been so long, and you’ve miss him so much, his scent and everything.

“Y/N…” He was startled when you hug him, and he then circled his arms around you hugging you back as he buried his face in you and cried.

“I’m so sorry…I did so much horrible things. I’m sorry.” You gently caressed his back as he cried, sobbing in your arms.

You never thought the day would come when you finally meet him and save him from his suffering.

The police’ serine could then be heard. “Wait, Tackemichi?” You nervously asked to Chifuyu as you remembered your younger brother.

“He’s fine, the ambulance arrived and they took care of him. You let out a massive sigh of relief after hearing it. “Thank goodness.”

You holds Mikey in his hands, it’s cold and pale. “I’m sorry…” he whispered once again and now he was looking at you.

You smiled at him, caressing his face, “It’s fine Mikey, everything will be fine now.”

Wiping the tears from his face with your still-weak hand. “Mikey…I’m a detective, and the reason of why I am here is to capture you. I’m sorry…”

You take the cold handcuffs from your pocket, and place them around his wrists. It hurts you to see him like this.

You can’t believe you’re the one who will capture and put him in handcuffs. It was a long time you two last met and now reunited as different persons.

“Congratulations.” You clap your hands at the newlywed couple, Tackemichi and Hinata.

It was a very happy day, witnessing this lovely wedding. You exited the church once the ceremony has ended.

“Are you going to visit Mikey?” Chifuyu, who was standing at your side and looking so handsome in his tuxedo, inquired.

Before, Tackemichi came to him, and told him the problem with Bonten and Mikey. Tackemichi wants to save Mikey, so Chifuyu decided to go at the location and fortunately he came to save you both.

You simply smile and nodded at him. “I’m leaving, see you around,” you say as you wave farewell.

You’ve been seeing Mikey since he was imprisoned, almost daily. He had no family to visit so you tried to visit everyday as possible. You don’t want him to feel alone anymore.

It was along ride and finally you arrived. You walk inside and take a seat in the meeting area.

After a while you saw Mikey approaching you with a smile on his face.

“Miss me?” he teases as he took a sit staring back at you. You giggled, you wanted to hold him but you couldn’t because there was a glass between you two, but at least you got to see each other.

“You’re still lovely, you’ve never changed,” He commented at you, you smiled back at him. “Oh, do I?” You laugh as you said it to him. He just stare at you as you laughs.

“…I want to touch you.” Your smile faded when you heard him remark. It made you sad, you were able to save him, yet it resulted in him being imprisoned for years.

“I want to hold you, kiss you…” he added, looking at you with great pain visible in his eyes.

You force a smile in your face and said, “You will, you promised to take me to the fancy restaurant remember? After fourteen years we can finally go there, you can finally hold me and…kiss me. We just needed to wait…”

Mikey looked down and sigh in defeat. You tried to keep his sentence to a minimum, yet the lightest sentence is fourteen years. It might be long but you’re going to him patiently for him to be free.

“Don’t worry Mikey, I’ll be right there waiting for you.”

Mikey looked up at you with a hopeful expression on his face. “Are you really going to wait? Promise?”

You give him a sweet smile and nodded at him in response, “Of course I’ll wait, I promise.” Mikey smiled warmly at you which always soothe your heart.

Finally, my childish, sweet, and invincible badass, Mikey is back.

You never expected to run into each other again but as a detective and a criminal.

The end.

This is the new ending. I deleted the first Chapter 14, to avoid confusion. I hope you enjoy, thank you for reading :)

I’m working on another fanfiction, but this time it’s Levi x Reader, and it is called “Married to Ackerman.” Please have a look if you’re interested.

I posted a one shot story of Chifuyu x Reader entitled "Finding Secret Admirer" you can check it if you love Chifuyu <3

Happy reading :)

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