Chapter 13

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“How come you didn’t tell me about this?” Takemichi asked in frustration. You were on your way to the airport, and Takemichi was trying to stop you, but it was already too late.

“Sister, you don’t have to do this. It’s me, that father wanted to go and not you, why are you doing this?” He exclaimed as you finally arrived, you fixed yourself before looking at him.

“Don’t leave Hina here behind. I know you two love each other, so please stay here.” You began to walk away heading for the plane, and followed you keeping his pace with you.

“What about Mikey? Why are you leaving him here?” causing you to froze, and couldn’t face him, you looked down making a long and heavy sigh.

“He understands Takemichi, and we don’t love each other. So it’s fine.” The last words he heard from you and stares at you.

You continue to walk without turning back, you will feel more regret if you’re going to look back.

Thinking this is the best way to do, for Takemichi to be happy, and for your father to be at ease.

Leaving this place is something you never imagined would happen.

Before when both you and Takemichi were young, you did all your best to achieve high grades and honorable student status in order to avoid being sent abroad.

Takemichi is not, he didn’t excel at everything, which is why your father plans to send Takemichi in New York to study there and monitor his studies.

When Takemichi learned of your father’s intentions, he suddenly vanished, and ran away from home.

As he doesn’t want to be sent there, you take it upon yourself to make him happy, and you hope that he will live his life with happiness here.

You look outside through the window as the airplane takes off, regretting that you didn’t say your final goodbye to Chifuyu, your best friend.

You bitterly chuckle as you imagine his distraught face he would be making right now.

There’s nothing you can do about it, no matter how much you despite it.

It is, after all, a farewell…

Twelve years later…

The day before you meet Mikey in the abandoned building...

“Detective Y/N, thank you for participating in this case, we look forward to working with you.” They stated welcoming you in their team.

As soon as you get back from New York, you were offered a case which is no one can make it a success. You accepted it since it's a big opportunity for you.

You studied all the gathered data that the team collected. As you were looking on it there was a picture attached on the papers.

You furrowed your brows staring at it. “Bonten gang?” you whispered, looking at the picture.

There was a several people captured in the picture, unfamiliar to you, but after gazing at it for a while, you finally recognized the person in the image who was facing sideways.

You silently gasped, knowing who he was even though his looks had altered.

It’s Mikey…

You asked someone close to your desk, asking who it might be and confirming your hunch if it was him.

“That’s Manjiro Sano the leader of Bonten Gang, they control everything, and we couldn’t find where they were hiding. That is why were asking for your help in capturing him and the rest of the gang, because they committed heinous crimes such as murder, and he is unstoppable.”

You sigh hearing what she said, your speculation were right it’s Mikey. But it confused you as to why he became like this.

It starts to worry you about Takemichi. You left him before, you hope that he was doing fine.

What the hell is going on?

You stare the door's apartment, looking the number and it was accurate to the information you get. It's Chifuyu's apartment.

You knock on the door of the apartment; you get there as soon as you find out where Chifuyu is living and wanted to know more about everything.

Someone opens the door from behind, “Long time no see, Chifuyu,” you greeted smiling.

He gasps and even covered his mouth with his hand in surprised after seeing you.

He walks towards you and abruptly hugs you, couldn’t believe you’re here.

“It’s good to see you again, after all these years,” he said happily as he welcomed you inside.

“So what are you doing now?” you asked as you took a seat on the couch. He brought you juice and cookies.

“I own a pet shop,” he said causing you to smile and feel at ease, so he was living in a fine life now.

“How about you?” he asked, you took a bite on the cookie and replied, “I’m a detective now, and I was in charge in the case of Mikey…you know the Bonten Gang.”

You uttered in a low tone, which made him surprise, you turn to look at him wanting to know more.

“The reason why I’m here is because I want to know about what happened inside the 12 years since I left, I want to know why Mikey turn into a criminal…he was not like that before. There's no way he became like this without reasons.”

He sighs, as he look at you worried at the sadness in your voice.

He hesitated to tell you everything but since it's you he tells you everything what really happened, including having big fights with other gangs.

Toman getting disbanded, and Emma’s death, which makes you to shock in surprise.

And he tells you about Mikey’s dark impulsivity. After telling you on what actually happened, you look down in utter regrets you were feeling right now.

There's a lot of things happen since you left, and you suddenly realize, Mikey was alone all this time.

You realized it happens because you left, he chose the wrong path because you weren’t there to guide him in the right way.

He change because you weren’t there in his side to comfort him.

He was lost. He’d been lonely and sad the entire time because his happiness had gone, and his only  source of happiness is you and only you.

Present day...

“Mikey, hold on!” You screamed as you tried to pull him up, but you were out of strength.

You can’t pull him up. You saw him close his eyes, and wait for you to release him.

But you can’t, the time you left him, twelve years ago, as soon as you get back home finding out everything that happened.

What he have done, and what he had lost, leaving him was the worst decision you ever made in your life.

You regretted it; leaving him, and let him suffer alone. This is not what you expected, you thought as soon as you get back you will finally see them and live happily with the people you treasure the most, but it’s not, in fact, it is far worse than you could have imagined.

Oh no! I can’t hold him up any longer, your grip on him was slipping away, and your body was becoming numb and weak.

You then hold him both of your hands, pulling him up, but things are only getting worse; yo nervously gasp as his weight pulls you over.

Mikey sees your struggle, and noticed he was dragging you down with him, he shouted at you, “Just let go, you’re going to fall with me. Let go!”

With half of your body hanging, you glance at him. “Please Mikey, I don’t want you to die.”

This is bad, I’m losing consciousness, I can’t hold him anymore….

Invincible Badass (Mikey x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant