All Change

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Whispers were heard as the handsome group of men made their way to the elevator. People there stepped aside to let them go first, once the doors closed one of them smirked.
"We did it again , they fall at our feet," Tae said.
"Probably worried about what changes the boss is going to make," Namjoon or Joonie replied.
"A lot, this place needs shaking up, it could be a lot better than it is, I want to know why it isn't ." Jungkook frowned, he'd bought the company out, some areas needed a shake up, he thought it was the old boys network that had stagnated it.
The elevator Stopped and the three got out. Immediately a man came over .
"Mr Jeon! Your office is ready, Erm and these two are?"
My assistant manager Namjoon and Tae office manager."
"Oh er, I didn't know, er I'm the assistant manager and also in charge of the office? I'm Mr Chung? I sort of took over when the previous owner was sick, I presumed......"
Jungkook stared at the man, " as I'm sure your aware I bought the company and I intend for it to run efficiently my staff know my ways, Mr Chung there was never an official title given to you am I correct?"
"Well yes but......"
"Please return to your old desk job then thank you."
Jungkook walked down the corridor heading to where he knew the main office was, a figure emerged from the room his head down, he bumped into Jungkook and immediately apologised looking up,
"So sorry I am careless I do apologise...., oh! m-mr Jeon!"
Jungkook stared at the petite male in front of him taking in the pretty face the plump lips and the gorgeous brown eyes, his hair was dark swept back and he nervously brushed it back while fiddling with his small fingers.
"No worries, why were you rushing anyway?"
"I Erm, wanted to put some files in your desk that I think should be looked at........"
"Jimin! Are you bothering Mr Jeon, I'll go take those files away sir," an agitated Mr Chung said .
"No Mr Chung , I think , I'd like to see what Jimin thinks is so special it needs to be looked at today!"
Jimin slid past the group seeing the angry look Mr Chung gave him.
Jungkook saw this too wondering what was up, he saw Jimin slip to his seat at a desk and keep his head down.
"Joon look up staff here will you I want to know who's supposed to do what."
"Sure Kook, that Chung fella seems a bit off."
"Mmmm, that's what I thought.Tae, sort this area out eh, he said looking at Jimin."
Tae saw his glance, "see something you like?"
Jungkook frowned at him," just do your job ," he huffed.
Jungkook went into the office, straight away Joon got a device out scanning the place, it bleeped near a picture and the desk, Namjoon raised his brow and Jungkook nodded.
He started talking," so Joon we will chat to staff tomorrow, I'm sure they will show us how things are done here don't want to step on anyones toes," he smirked.
"Sure boss I'm sure everything is running smooth."
They both grinned at each other as they looked out into the office to see who was listening in.
Glancing over the various desks they saw people getting in either work, some obviously slacking off others like Jimin totally focused on work and then Mr Chung, he was glancing at Jimin with anger in his face , he also seemed to be holding something in his ear.
Namjoon nodded once he saw it, " so Jungkook what do you think that Erm Jimin has to tell you?"
"I'm not sure he wants to tell exactly he did leave the files and run?, I will call him in soon and ask."
They watched as Chung looked startled suddenly getting up and going to Jimins desk saying something , Jimin looked flustered then nodded getting up and following Chung .
He called Tae," you have eyes on him?"
" Yer he's moving sooner than we thought, look I'm following but he seems to be shoving Jimin."
"Joon call the police Tae I'm coming keep your eyes on them."
"Door leading to the roof....,"

Jimin didn't know why Mr Chung was pushing him, he didn't seem himself.
"Up, !" Jimin went up the stairway that led to the roof garden, he'd only been up here once , Mr Chung had held an elaborate bbq, celebrating his position as office manager, Jimin had slipped back down and got on with some files he'd been looking at, he'd found some discrepancies , the more he looked the more he found. He couldn't understand why Mr Chung wasn't aware of it so he collated everything, when an email pinged up.
Dear staff it has been my pleasure to work with you all but as you are aware ill health has kept me away from the business for a while, with immediate effect Mr Jeon  will now own the company , he will be coming in tomorrow to take over please work as hard for him as you did me.
Mr Lee

Jimin had been surprised, he liked Mr Lee a friendly old man, he printed off his findings and put into files debating if he should put it on Mr Chungs desk but then licked it in his drawer, he remembered Mr Chung had previously told him to only concentrate on the work given but he was an efficient worker Quickly getting things done, one of his co workers was feeling overwhelmed with the work so Jimin told him not to worry, (knowing that he was a slow worker who stressed easily,) and offered to take over some work. This had led him to these findings.
He decided just to put it in the new bosses desk tomorrow before he arrived and let his co worker take the credit, he hadn't expected to bump into the new owner this morning.
"Damn it Jimin why couldn't you just do your own job!"
"Sorry Mr Chung?"
"Those files, jihoon told me he had passed them to you..., what did you see?"
Jimin sighed Jihoon could have taken the credit, now he would have to explain." I'm sorry sir, I just wanted to help, Jihoon would have found the discrepancies ,"
"No you stupid boy he wouldn't , but you...., "
Mr Chung pushed Jimin back making him trip.
"S-sir what's the problem?"
"Your the problem , what did you find?"
"Lots of discrepancies in payments against income, it seems someone is fleecing the company,"
"Do you know who?"
"No I was looking into it then got the email and came up to tell you the news."
"So you haven't put a name to the person, hmmm , that could work, you'll be on record as the last person with the files..., I can get the information up on my drive make it look as if I'd found it, implicate you...., yes, yes I'm sure that will work."
"I don't understand...,"
"Poor Jimin not realising that his, fraud would be found out, I come up here to talk to him and distraught he jumps...,"
Jimin backed away from the manically look in Mr Chungs eyes.
"Of course me, Mr Lee's right hand man, doddering old fool, not even noticing I've been siphoning of money..., it was a good run but now, climb up Jimin,"
Jimin went to run past the other but was caught in a rough grasp his small figure not a match for the burlier one, he wriggled trying to get away only to be slapped hard, being knocked to the ground and catching his head on the corner of a wooden bench, his vision went blurry and he heard yelling before he succumbed to the blackness that surrounded him.

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