Sing the song (2)

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James Pov:

"Harry! Y/N!" Lily beamed as she saw our two sons.

But her smile had dropped as Y/N looked lifeless, like when he was on coma on that car accident 3 years ago.

"Y-Y/N what happened?" Lily choked as Y/N's eyes had no more spark, I felt myself frown.

"Granger cheated on him mum, last week before he even got to propose. Been cheating on him with Ron" Harry explained with venom in his voice as Lily only hugged him.

"C'mon Harry, let's get your things, your mother is gonna take care of your brother" I said as I fecthed Y/N's things and Harry took his.


Potter manor

"What are we gonna do James? Y/N's a mess. He can't sleep, he can't eat, he just stays up at his room doing nothing and lay like a lifeless person.......what are we gonna do?" Lily sobbed to me as I felt tears trickle down on my cheeks.

"Mum? Dad?" Harry asked.

"Yes sweetie?" Lily croaked out as we both wiped out tears.

"I have invited the Granger's and the Weasley's for a graduation party" Harry explained and Lily snapped.

"Harry! You're gonna let your brother see his ex-girlfriend and the man who his ex-girlfriend cheated on him, and you're gonna invite him" Lily shouted.

"I's just that.......maybe if....I don't know....Y/N could see her and she could explain herself....maybe he can....somewhat try to do things......he can be back to the smiling boy he was.....but I know.....I-i know...that it would hurt him b-but......if it's gonna work...then I think it should go on" he choked as tears began to fall out of his eye.

I took a deep breath and looked at Lily.

"He.....I f-found a the b-bathroom., H-hes doing it again and I don't wanna lose please....please just.....just cope with me and maybe.....maybe he can get up again....please" he begged as he sobbed.

"Lily?" I asked as I looked at her.

Hermione Pov:

"Hermione!" My parents beamed as they saw me but I didn't greet back.

I was too depressed that Y/N was suppose to propose to me and I just blew it. Malfoy was right, I'm just a filthy little mudblood.

"H-honey are you alright?" Mum asked me but I just shook my head and cried.

"I-im sorry mum....I'm sorry....I cheated on him" I croaked out as my parents looked at me with disbelief.

"But, there must be something that he had done wrong that's why you cheated on him right? Right?" Dad asked but I shook my head.

They both took a deep breath as dad said in a disapproving voice "I'm disappointed at you Hermione, I did not raise you like this just so you could break that poor little boy's heart  as he treated you like you're the only girl he would ever want including his mother" dad said and mum looked at me.

"We are gonna talk about this in our house, you better tell me why you cheated on that boy Hermione Jean Granger" with that we had rode to our home with complete silence.


We are now in the living room as I sat on the couch and my parents stand infront of me.

"Why did you do it Jean? Answer me!" Mum shouted and I flinched, they had never shout at me even if they are mad.

"I-i don't know.....R-ron came a-and....he s-said his feelings for me after a year me and Y/N dated. I-i-.....I didn't know what came into me bu-but I kissed back" I explained as tears began to trickle.

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