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Chewing on the inside of my check, I stare at the flickering glow of the candle, my pen gripped tightly in my hand. If no one would listen to me, then I'd deal with this in secrecy. I'd figure this out. Lowering my eyes to my notebook, I had scribbled down the timeline and everything so far.

On June 12th, I come back to camp, nothing out of the ordinary. On June 28th, he comes to camp. That's when the storms start to happen. It all dated back to the new kid coming to camp. Which led me to the conclusion, Percy Jackson had something to do with what was happening.

"What do you know?" I whisper, "What do you have to do with all of this?"

"What are you doing?" Someone asks.

Jumping at the sudden voice, I clutch my chest, my heart thumping frantically against my rib cage. Sweet mother of Zeus! Snapping my head around to see who it was, there standing at the edge of my bed was Luke, flashlight in hand and hair a mess. Snapping my eyes down to my notebook, his eyes follow, a cheeky grin forming on his face. Shit. Shit. Shit. Just play it cool.

"Nothing! Just girl stuff!" I lie, pressing the book to my chest.

"Girl stuff?" He questions, raise a brow.

"It's a girl thing, okay?" I huff, my face turning red.

I was a fuckin' idiot. One who just put herself in a hole. Giving me an unimpressed look, I roll my eyes at him, which only makes him chuckle. He was both incredibly intimidating yet had this cute charm. Sitting down on the edge of my bed, he shuts off the flashlight, the only light being my candle. Staring at him unsure, I couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed at being caught by him. I didn't do it on purpose. I just got so caught up on writing things out, time slipped by me.

"You left dinner early." He comments, "I saw you walking out of the pavillian."

"I wasn't hungry and I just didn't want to stick around." I lie, hoping that it would be enough to get him off my trail.

"Bullshit, what happened?" He presses.

"I called my Dad, that's all. Just talking to him after a few weeks of no contact, made me want to go home. Made me miss him. Trust me, it's no big deal." I argue, my grip loosening on the notebook.

Pulling the notebook from my chest, I shut it, making sure that he wouldn't be able to get a glimpse of what was written. I didn't want to be mocked for my theory. Hell, I didn't need Chiron to hear about it. He'd give me hell for 'picking' on the new kid. Find a way to turn this around on me being upset about not being claimed. Resting my head against the frame of my bunk, I stare at him, taking note of his features.

Luke had this special charm about him. One, that could get you to do anything he wanted without a second thought. And I'd admit, if I didn't know that he was a son of Hermes, I'd think he was a son of Aphrodite. And it wasn't because I thought he was cute or had a crush on him. But because he was so siren-like. So hypnotizing.

"Okay." He nods, "Well, before I forget, I was just gonna tell you that you're gonna help me with the new kid."

"So that's why you came. Look, why am I on babysitting duty?" I scoff, rolling my eyes.

"Because I trust you." He smiles, "Plus, you're the best at helping the newbies."

Gods, I've heard better flirting from the Hephaestus cabin⎯and they were cringe-worthy awkward. Scoffing at his attempt at begging, I tuck my knees to my chest, watching him carefully. He pulls her knees up into his chest, copying me. Dropping the flashlight onto the bed, he rests his head on his knee, a soft look on his face. One of peace. Of content.

"No, I help the ones who need it the most. The ones who are too embarrassed to ask for help." I argue, "Besides, aren't you the best swordsman in all of camp, hmm? Can't you do it on your own?"

"Best swordsman in all of camp?" He smiles, his face scrunching up in a big smile.

"Don't act so cocky, Castellan. I'm coming for that title." I joke, making him laugh.

Laughing softly at my joke, he leans his head against the frame, staring at me with droopy eyes. A lazy smile spread across his face. He doesn't say anything, just stares at me. A glint in his eyes. I don't know what exactly, but it made my heart speed up. I liked it. It felt so soft. So full of love. I wanted to feel that more often. I wanted to be looked at like that more often.

"Just watch him. Please?" He begs, his voice soft.

"Luke.." I start, unsure.

"Please, for me?" He asks, "I can't watch out for him and teach the class at the same time."

I didn't want to have to interact with the kid. I didn't need any of his bad mojo sticking to me. But, if I wanted to be sure he was the root of everything. I would have to be around Percy Jackson. Blinking away my thoughts, I carefully watched Luke, seeing the way his eyes were drooping. He leans his head back. I could faintly see the dark bags under his eyes, the way he practically melted into the bed. How did I not see it before? He was exhausted.

"Fine. Just promise me you won't fight me if I say that I can't do it anymore." I nod, "If I'm done, don't try to fight me on it."

"Deal." He softly smiles, his eyes drooping.

His eyes shut for a second, giving me the perfect chance to really stare at him. Lowering my eyes to the giant scar spread across his face, I trace it with my eyes, wondering what it was like when he first got it. No one but him and the Garden of Hesperides for miles. No one to hear him. To save him. Lifting my eyes up from his scar, he slowly lifts opens eyes to meet mine⎯and I swear my heart stops beating for a second. Did he catch me staring?

"I should probably finish doing my rounds." He yawns, going to stand up.

"Go to bed, Luke. You can barely keep your eyes open. I'll lock up." I whisper, grabbing his arm.

"No, it's fine." He argues, shaking his head.

"Luke." I argue, "Seriously, I got this. I'll be fine. Just go to sleep." 

It was the bare minimum of things I could do. Pushing him back down on the bed, he doesn't try to fight me on the matter, he just sinks into the mattress. A low groan leaving his lips as he sinks into the memory foam. Trying to lift his head up from the mattress, he stares at me with droopy eyes, his head barely a inch up.

"Night." He whispers, his eyes slowly shutting.

"Goodnight, boy blunder." 


And I am done with the chapter! Stay safe out there guys!

I hope you all are doing okay emotionally and physically! I love you all!

I hope that you are enjoying the book so far! A quick reminder to comment below about the story of what you think so far.

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