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Twirling the phone cord with her hand, she waits for the phone call to go through, her foot tapping impatiently. She didn't like calling her Dad too often. Especially in situation like this⎯it made her feel like a wimp, but she was desperate. Since she had fixed the issue with Lena and Damian, she had a bad feeling brew in her stomach. It was weird because everything was fine before.

Chewing on the inside of her cheek, she scans the tiny convenience store, the cashier stocking the liquor shelves. Nobody but the two of them. Hearing loud chatting come through the phone, she waits a second before speaking, waiting for the line to go quiet. It goes quiet. The faint crackling of breathing comes through the line.

"Hey, Dad. Are you there? Can you hear me?" She asks, waiting for his voice.

"Mi quèrida, yes I can hear you. Are you okay? Are you having fun?" He questions, a smile clear in his voice.

"It's whatever, I guess.." She hums, her voice trailing off at the end.

"Talk to me. What happened?" He asks, his voice soft and comforting.

"There's a new boy⎯here at camp, and I have a feeling something bad's gonna happen." She whispers, "Small fights are already happening around here and I'm scared it's only gonna get worse."

"Do you wanna come home?"

Pausing at the question, she hadn't really thought about it, she had thought he was going to brush it off as nerves or tell her it was no big deal. Chewing on her bottom lip, her gut was telling her to run for the hills and not look back. But, she didn't know the real reason why. It was just this feeling and it felt like she should trust it.

"I don't know yet. I⎯I don't know why I feel like this, I just have this feeling Dad." She rambles, "And⎯I⎯It's really strong and I feel like I have to trust it. I⎯uh⎯I've never had a feeling like this before.."

"Take your time, mija. Deep breaths." He reminds.

"I don't know if it's a godly thing or not, but promise me you'll be there if I call?" She sighs, scared that he'd say no.

"Of course, I will. Just call me at any time and I'll be there, okay?" He whispers, making her bottom lip tremble.

Fighting back the tears that threatened to fall, she nods her head, even though he couldn't see her. Wiping her eyes with her hand, she feels a pair of eyes drilling into the side of her head. Turning her head, she spots a woman in one of the isles, staring her down. The hairs on her arm stand up. Reaching for her hidden knife, the woman melts away into a cloud of smoke, right in front of her eyes.

"You still there, mija?" He calls, snapping her out of her daze.

"What⎯I⎯Yeah." She whispers, "I love you, Dad."

"I love you too, mija."


Standing on the steps, I stared out at the darkening sky, that feeling in my stomach growing at the sight of the graying clouds. Something happened, I don't know what exactly it was, but something happened. I just knew it. Feeling a presence besides me, I turn my head to see Lee standing next to me, a dark look spread across his face.

So, he noticed it too. Glad that I'm not the only one noticing things. Turning my head back to the sky, a low rumble of thunder fills the air, but no lightning. Odd. Furrowing her brows in confusion, a strong gust of wind hits her, but still no lightning.

"You feel it too, don't you?" I whisper, eyeing him out of the corner of my eye. "Something's happened."

He doesn't respond.

"I think the new kid has something to do with it. I mean⎯it makes sense, right?" I ask, "New kid conveniently comes to camp. Now, this happens. Suspicious, don't you think?"

"Go back inside, Natasha." He orders, his eyes on the sky.

Opening my mouth to argue, he turns his head to me, shooting me a stern look to not argue with him. One that brings a chill down my spine. Biting my tongue, I nod my head in understanding, stuffing my hands into my hoodie. Gods, what crawled up his ass and died? Passing by the rows of chatting kids, I feel a pair of eyes drilling into me, making me tense.

Scanning the pavilion carefully, I spot one of the girls at the Athena table, glaring daggers at me. Probably one of Donna's new siblings. Rolling my eyes at her glare, I crouched down to the floor, where a few of the Hermes kids were sitting. Pulling out my pocket knife, I twirl the blade in my hand, my mind thinking back to the sight outside. I couldn't just let it go, it was too weird.

"Travis." I call, nudging the boy with my shoe.

"Hmm? What happened? What'd I do now?" He questions, his face stuffed to the brim with food.

"Nothing as of right now. But, I'm sure we'll find out later. But the point is, I've got a bad feeling. Something in my gut is churning." I explain, darting my eyes from my plate to the new kid.

"Take some ambrosia then." He jokes, continuing to stuff his face.

"Not that kind of way, dumbass." I scoff, "There's thunder clouds, but no lightning. That's not raising alarm bells to you?"

"So..? Maybe Zeus just doesn't wanna do lightning today." He rolls his eyes.

Is he stupid or something? This was Zeus we were talking about. He was going to show off at any chance he got. He fed off attention. Giving him a look of disbelief, he rolls his eyes before picking up a roll from his plate. Smacking the roll out of his hand, he lets out a loud whine, before turning to look at me. Slamming my knife down on the floor, my blood boils. He wasn't taking this seriously.

"Zeus doesn't want to show off his prized bolt? Do you hear how stupid that sounds? That's like you not wanting to pull a prank!" I argue, jabbing him in the chest with my hand.

"Well, I don't know! If something was wrong everyone would know about it by now!" He waves off, "Just chill, you're probably thinking too much into things."

"No, I'm not. A week ago everything was fine, not a single cloud in the sky. But now, we're having storms every ten seconds! How is that not raising alarm bells to you?"

"Look as far as I'm concerned, nothing has happened. So I'm going to sit here and enjoy my food." He sighs, "If you're that paranoid go talk to the Apollo cabin or Chiron and see if they know anything."

Glaring at him with narrowed eyes, he didn't respond, only turning around so that his back was now facing me. Clenching my jaw tightly, I grab the handle of my knife, pulling it out of the floor. If he didn't listen, then fine. I'd handle this on my own⎯just like I always do. Staring at his back for a few seconds, I clear my throat, his shoulders tensing up.

"Fine, don't listen to me. But, I'm telling you, something isn't right." I explain, "I'm scared Travis. That's why I am asking so many questions. I'm scared that something bad is happening."


And I am done with the chapter! Stay safe out there guys!

I hope you all are doing okay emotionally and physically! I love you all!

I hope that you are enjoying the book so far! A quick reminder to comment below about the story of what you think so far.

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