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No one's P.O.V

A few days passed after Jihyo came to Seoul Institute. Sana and Jihyo spend their time together as they used to in high school time. Sana felt lucky that Jihyo came into her life when she needed someone to divert her Concentrate from Tzuyu. But inside her, she still likes Tzuyu and it's too late cuz she already started Loving her.

She always feels a pang in her heart whenever she sees Tzuyu with her Boyfriend. She thought maybe she is important to her. But she feels she is wrong. Bcoz Tzuyu didn't even try to once ask her why she is avoiding her. Or even tried to talk with her after the incident.

She is angry, hurt, or jealous; she can't even recognize her inner storm. All she can do is put on a face mask on her face.

On the other hand, Tzuyu is trying her best to improve her relationship. She is started spending more time with him, going on dates, responding to kisses but she feels nothing. No desire to kiss back or desire to hold him. She knows Sana is avoiding her and she first wanted the same but something happened.

The way she wants to feel for Tae; she started to feel for Sana. She feels jealous whenever any girl tries to hit on Sana or desires to kiss her hard whenever she talks. These feelings are new for her and getting unbearable.

For the past few days, Chaeyoung wants to talk with Mina but Mina is avoiding her. Chae noticed it but doesn't know why. And Momo started growing her feelings for Dahyun. She still doesn't know if this is love or just flings...

Tzuyu is now in Pizzahut. Nayeon took leave for 3 days and Tzuyu wanted some space to figure out things, So she forbade other workers to come.

Tzuyu's P.O.V

"One four-season Please

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"One four-season Please."

"Any extra add?" The waiter asked and I nodded no.

"But a can of coke with it, Thank you," I said as he noted down and walked away.

I think I should learn how to cook. It's not that I  don't fast foods but eating them too much it's not good tho.

'Maybe I should let the cook come to the home for these days.' I thought as shook my head.

People are here with their friends or family or lover. Some others are here to work but I am here all alone.

I love my friends but most of them are gossip lovers or spending time with their partners. I could call Tae but I didn't. I don't know why it feels I am being fake with him. Everything seems messed up.

But that night with Sana, maybe the first time except for Nayeon Unnie, I shared something personal; even cried in front of her. And the kiss; it was something else. Like I want more of her, as I can never get bored of kissing her, feeling her.

But I am feeling this for a girl, then am I lesbian or bi? I didn't feel this type of thing for a boy even for Tae but still in a relationship with him. So what is stand for? Bi or lesbian?

My muddy thoughts were interrupted by the waiter who brought my dinner.

The pizza looks tempting and the smell...shit! I love it!!

I took a bite and roamed my eyes around. But my eyes stuck on a particular table. There are two girls but they look like a couple. Their hands are intertwined and the way the raven-haired girl listens to the blonde; seems too much in love.

I smiled inside but suddenly Sana's face came into my mind. What if we were a couple? Will she love me like I wanted to be loved?

After finishing my pizza, I paid the bill and went out. I walked to my car and was about to open the gate but suddenly a car parked in front of me.

'Isn't it Tae's car?' I thought of myself and saw Tae coming out while talking with someone. A girl came out giggling and Tae pecked the girl on her lips.

I felt anger boil into me and I went towards them.

"Kim Taehyung!"

I spatted in anger and he looked at me with his wide eyes. I just want to punch his face right now.


"Who is she Tae?" The girl asked while getting clingy with him and I clenched my fist in anger.

"Why do you cheat on me? Tae? I tried my best to keep this relationship but-"

"You never did your best Tzuyu. You never loved me. I don't know why even we were together. We both know how tried our best in this relationship. But I need someone to love me back, Tzuyu. You tried but love is not about trying; you have to feel it." He said with a sad tone and I can feel the tears crawling down my cheeks.

I don't know why am I crying. Fuck! I never cried in front of him! But He is right. what's now?

He came closer, held my hand and I looked at him.

"Listen, I know something is bothering you. Try to solve it instead of running. And feel free to talk with me. Just I loved you but can't more."

He said with a soft sad tone then left with his new girlfriend.

I have no one left with me. No Tae, no one. Everyone is happy with their new partners. Sana even stopped talking with me after Jihyo came into her life.

People left me just like I was never there. Can't I be someone's love? Why am I always left alone? Broken...

I looked at the sky and felt the first raindrop on my face. Then it suddenly started raining; washing my tears away...

Blind In Love ( Satzu ) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now