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Why I love Oh Sehun?

Last but definitely not the least because he's been my number one bias wrecker.  Sehun took my breath away on the third day of my getting-to-know-EXO-binge-watching-for-a-week journey. It happened when I watched him during the 'Baby Don't Cry' water dance. Something just clicked and I wasn't able to take my eyes off him since then. I love every members but Sehun has a special place in my heart.

No doubt Sehun is one of the most popular EXO member, not only in Kpop but as a top Korean celebrity in general. He has one of the biggest, most loyal and ehemm...richest fanbase among Kpop idols.
His fanbase fan support and projects are always mind-blowing!
He is specially HUGE in China. Dubbing him as 'China's Son in Law' probably says it all.
He is well-known and well-loved the world over too.

Sehunnie's big following extends not only in Kpop but even for non-Kpop fans, thanks to him landing as ambassador for numerous products and luxury brands. As a top fashion icon and model it is only natural that he landed on the covers of numerous magazines too. His appearances on big high fashion events, one time, even blocking a street in Paris and almost causing a stampede on one of the most star studded event held there is one proof of his immense popularity.

Bluntly speaking, the major factor of Sehun's popularity is obviously because he is a dreamboat! To be honest, it's why he caught my attention in the first place.
Of course beauty is in the eye of the beholder and he may not be eye catching to you but you'll be lying if you say he's not attractive. He is indeed visually gifted.

We have different tastes in male beauty of course but personally, Sehun is the physical representation of my ideal male beauty.
I have read an article before, listing top male Kpop idols with no bad angle when photographed and Sehun was number one then, to say the least. He looks so good with or without makeup.
Sehun's physical attributes is a dream to many male idols. His swagger and natural charisma adds flame to the already hot frame.

Yes, Sehun is a stunner, but the man is way more deep and complex than how he look!

Sehun is a man of many talents as well as a charming yet deep character.

Rapper Sehun...
Sehun recently won a 'Best Rapper' poll award and rightfully deserved!
Sehun's rap is representative of himself, full of swag and clean to the ears. He does not just spit words but he pronounces it clearly. His flow is very very good. The last two albums Obsession and Don't Fight The Feeling showcased more of Sehun's rap compared from their other albums and I was so happy for that. Sehunnie shines specially when he is with his hyung Chanyeol. Somehow, it feels like his confidence just goes up a notch when they're performing together. I guess it's just how Chanyeol hypes him up and how he has a lot of trust, confidence and pride towards Sehun. I love seeing them perform together.

Singer Sehun...
I once posted a long rant response about how people say "he can't sing" where I emphasized that he can sing if be given the right product fit for his vocal tone, color and range and if only people stop comparing him to EXO's main vocalists which are monster singers with bar so high other groups main vocalists can't even reach let alone coming from a rapper like Sehun. I hope people stop expecting the same output as the rest of EXO's vocal powerhouse because Sehun's range isn't in that frame. He has a different role in the group, he can sing, maybe not as you expect him to be but he can. Sometimes, I find it frustrating that people has a cylindrical view on EXO's singing, highlighting only the highest range reached but forgetting other details that makes every EXO song beautiful including mid and low ranges, vocal layering and harmony which Sehun's voice is an essential part. It doesn't help that SM doesn't give Sehun a chance to have more singing lines either. Sehun may not be as strong vocally as  EXO's vocal monsters but he can definitely sing! Enough said.

Dancer Sehun...
It is refreshing to see a tall guy with broad frame as Sehun moves so lithe, sharp and graceful at the same time without looking awkwardly heavy. He moves fast and easy. His moves are precise and he look so damn hot while dancing too. Unlike Kai's strong facial expressions, Sehun always has a resting bitch face while dancing which adds a mysterious effect that looks cool on him.

Actor Sehun...
I greatly admire Sehun's enthusiasm to broaden his field. Him taking various acting characters proves that he is taking his acting career seriously. He has a lot of potential in that field and I am happy that he's gaining more and more acting projects.
He has improved a lot and for sure he will further improve. I'm excited to see what type of roles he will take next.

I must say, being multi-talented is already a given for any EXO member including of course Sehunnie but aside from his looks and talents, I have admired Sehun's personality and character the most.

As I said earlier, many must have known Sehun as the visual but actually his beauty is more than skin-deep.
There's a disparity between Sehun's aloof and cold exterior on camera and the EXO maknae that we know.
He rarely speaks during group interviews but his insights are always deep and mature when asked. He is not quiet, but soft spoken and very reserved. No wonder why when Sehun speaks, EXO listens. You know how some people who rarely speaks but when they do everyone pays attention? That's Sehun to his hyungs.

I love that he is very mature and smart with how he handles his hard earned money. Fame is not forever and an idols career is as volatile as the stock market and Sehun made wise decisions to invest early on securing his future all while he is still very much active in the industry.
Aside from real estates, Sehun also invested in himself and building his resume by still taking vocal lessons, accepting diverse acting roles for film & television as well as variety shows. He knows what he's doing and he ticked so many boxes already even before reaching 30. Many celebrities the world over can learn a thing or two from Sehun to be honest.

"The more you give, the more you receive"  might sound a cliché but actually it is the rule of the universe. Sehun is probably one of the most genuinely charitable person I know. If he donated huge amounts of money to charities I am not sure but what touched me the most were his little acts of kindness specially towards underprivileged children.How he consistently and humbly goes to orphanages and donated his time to see and playwith the children bringing smile to their faces is a thousand fold bigger than financial donations. If not for people who witnessed it and shared it publicly, we wouldn't know that Sehun did those charitable deeds. No wonder he's been blessed. He has a huge heart and the universe knows how to return a good karma.

EXO's maknae...
Sehun is the glue that holds EXO together. He binds the group and he's the center of his members affection. It's a well known fact. Each member have said that and we all can see it too. While Sehun is a close book to others, he is very open and free spirited around his hyungs. These tells us he only has trust to his members thus the members described him as very loyal. Understandable for he literally grew up with his members. His hyungs spoil him literally and are happy about it because he spoil the hyungs with affection as well. His brattiness towards his hyungs actually hides huge respect for them. I always find it adorable how Sehun acts cool and nonchalant on performances but turns into a baby when he's with EXO only. I am proud of EXO for raising a good person as Sehun. Sehun may be forty years old but he will still be EXO & EXO-Ls baby.

As the group is in hiatus, slowly but surely Sehun emerged more mature, bolder and better. I hope SM will give him a chance to release his own album in the future and believe in his talents.I hope fans look deeper into the real Oh Sehun and not only his visuals. I hope he enlist closely after Kai's so they can come back quicker too and be reunited again with his hyungs.

Sehun is a melting pot of good qualities be it visual, talent or character.
Our 'baby' deserves all the success and love he's receiving. I love him!
My ultimate bias wrecker. 🥰

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