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Why I love Kim Jongdae (Chen)?

I am a Soondingie... That's that! I guess? Lmao

It's funny how I am dreading for this part of the series when I have to talk about my ultimate bias.  I felt like, I have sung praises for Kim Jongdae for a long while now I may have run out of words to describe how I love and admire this man, but at the same time I felt, I fell short not only in describing but showing how I love Chen everyday since I learned about him over four years ago. I feel it wasn't enough and so I still have to do this bit even though just saying 'I'm a Soondingie!' should suffice. 😁

Anyway, fasten your seat belts.
It's gotta be looooong.

Here we go.

I wouldn't be here writing this, and you reading this, if not for the man Kim Jongdae. It all started with him and I'm pretty sure my Kpop journey will also end the moment he turn his mic off from this industry. Although, I highly doubt that.

Of course it was his vocals that drew me to be his fan. I was a fan of his vocals even before I could put a face behind those huntingly beautiful OST's. I was utterly shock of course when I finally  saw him and realised he was the same man behind my favorite songs. His higher harmony in their 'Open Arms' video made me Google him right away. I knew right then that he's a special singer and I was not mistaken. The rest they say is history...

Chen is, THE VOICE for me. I know music is a matter of preference and his voice is definitely my preference. It's his voice that I love regardless of the genre. His voice is just music to my ears. My ears are trained to hear his voice despite layers of harmonies. That's how much I love his vocals.

He's been dubbed 'The Vocal King', 'Representative Vocal', 'The Golden Voice', 'King of High Notes' among others for a reason.

His range - the insanely wide range he got. Those high notes only few rare mortals are able to reach thus making it hard for other idols to cover most EXO songs. His ground level lower register which is as difficult to achieve as his high notes. Inevitably his mid range is divine. His technique is incredible. Strong, powerful, dark and impactful but could also be jolly, soulful, bright and quiet. Chen can just do any song and it'd be incredible and sometimes it seems he's not even trying.

I am no vocal expert but I listened to probably close to a hundred professionals who talked and analized Chen's vocals to know enough that what I'm hearing is truly incredible and plenty of them only a Kim Jongdae will be able to pull off. There is no doubt that Chen's singing abilities is at par with the greats in the music industry. A real, god-given talent only a hater won't acknowledge.

Aside from the obvious fact that he's great at singing technically, what truly solidified my love for his music is his ability to convey emotions into a song. It's as if he wear his soul on his sleeve while singing. He put in the right emotions required by the song. I can't remember how many times I weeped listening to his songs just by hearing his vocals and his singing even without comprehending the lyrics. I guess that speak volumes! He just touch my heart with his emotions. I love his voice so much. So damn much.

Composer Chen is another reason why I love this man so much. Chen speaks poetically and it reflects on his song compositions. Like his singing, he also pours his heart and soul out in the open with his lyrics. It stems from deep within and it is very honest. His self written songs are his thoughts & feelings put on paper. It almost feels like he is confessing to us - to anyone who's able to read or hear the words from his song. I don't know if people finds that special, but it is to me. He is romantic like that. Probably also another reason why he's recognised as a great lyricist too.

Maybe you have heard of this statement before, that you know it's a good drama when Chen sings the OST. Although he did not debut as an actor, Chen is certainly a famous name in Kdramaland. Being the 'King of OST's' expands his stature as a singer-story teller.  As a Kdrama lover, it's a win-win for me.

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