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Why I love Kim Junmyeon (Suho)?

I can't possibly imagine EXO without Suho, specially as a leader.
I love Suho as an artist and I have mad respect for the man Kim Junmyeon. How he juggle his responsibilities as an EXO member, a TV & theatre actor and his responsibilities as a leader is astonishing.

Suho as EXO's guardian...
Kim Junmyeon is the rock pillar of EXO. He holds the foundation of EXO. For someone who looks soft & with soft demeanour, he is actually the toughest member. A sturdy wall who withstood all the storms just so his members can experience sunshine.

Suho as EXO's leader...
There's a reason why he's recognised as one of the toughest and best among Kpop group leaders.
I've always known being a leader is tough but nothing prepared me for the uniqueness of being a Kpop group leader and the hardships they have to endure for their group. They rarely get credits but be constantly blamed for whatever mishaps any member would be involved in.
We've seen him struggle and on a brink of breaking down a couple of times and to be honest all those times were too painful to watch. We bore witness of all the daggers sent towards Suho for all these years as a leader.
I was not an EXO-L yet when EXO experienced the biggest hurdle on their careers with members leaving but as I learn about their history, I can only applaud Suho's courage & strength. I experienced and saw a similar sturdy Suho when Chen was receiving backlash and how he was ridiculously 'blamed' for it. I remember Suho showing up for his musical press con after that looking nervous and was not his usual self. I felt bad for him but he kept himself intact as always up to now. As the leader, he's almost not allowed to break. He tried very hard not to for his beloved members & for us EXO-L's. That's why he is the best for me.

Suho's character...
Suho, although he may not look and act at times, is an Alpha male. He is confident and it stems from the fact that he is intelligent. You can just tell by listening to him delivering speeches and how he saves EXO members practically every awkward live interviews EXO's been with over the years. His eloquence along with his sharp mind & composed manner made me understand why he's chosen as the leader. His calm demeanour and ability to settle everything through talking & communication is one of his strengths. He is courteous and polite. God knows how I wish I have a trickle of his patience too. He always exudes that upright - model citizen vibe. Beyond those characters, Suho is probably one of the humblest if not the humblest leader in all of Kpop. He always brings the whole Kpop industry in his speeches instead of focusing on his own group and that is so admirable.

Sometimes, I wonder if a person can really possess intelligence, character and talent. That's too unfair right? Suho proved though that a person can possess all of those because he does. Suho's a gifted singer with beautiful & luxurious vocals. It's crazy how one moment he can lull you to sleep with his velvety sweet vocals then deliver a full bodied, deep vocals fit for a musical the next moment. He's definitely a main vocalist calibre. Let's not talk about how SM is not paying attention to it though. 😒
The next album I wish Suho would do is a ballad album because his voice is full of emotions, he tells stories with his singing. I feel like he'd make many cry over his songs. A Brian Mcknight of some sort will be interesting.

As a Kdrama enthusiast, I would love for him to do more projects as well. He has the face of a perfect leading man and a talent for acting but I guess musical theatre is really lucrative and challenging so I bet he will focus more in there which is totally fine! Actually super fine!
Do I need to mention the dancing too? because Suho is EXO and no one in EXO is a bad dancer, so...

of course Suho dance so good!

Suho is also recognised  as one of the most handsome celebrity  in Korea with a perfect ratio face. I once watched a vlog from one plastic surgeon who explained about plastic surgery and mentioned few people as examples who doesn't need plastic surgery because they were deemed 'perfect', they're the ones born with a 'golden ratio' and Suho was one of them and I couldn't agree more. Just look at him.

He got the character, intelligence, talents and perfect visuals, what's left?

His genuine love for his members...
Or as we fondly called 'his big kids'. You only have to look at Suho's eyes to know that he truly cherish each and every member as if it's his son. His eyes just drips pure affection when he looks at them. His eyes are trained to look for the members whenever they're at events, to make sure they're comfortable even if it means sacrificing his own comfort for them. Suho who's always ready with warm hugs, touch and cuddles whether it's a happy or emotional moment. He is so affectionate and is very sweet. He is so vocal with his affection towards the members. He easily says I miss you and I love you to the members wherever he may be. Although he is being teased by the members, you know it's their love language towards their leader. The last ment on EXplOration concert was I guess the best manifestation of EXO's love for their leader. If you haven't seen it yet, you're missing one half of your EXO-L life. Make sure to watch it. I super loved that ment.
He is a father figure, a brother, advisor, bestfriend and a colleague rolled into one for EXO. I love, love, love their brotherhood.

Last but definitely not the least.
His love for EXO-L's...
We EXO-Ls always felt his love. With everything he does, he always includes us & never forgets us. Suho always appears with a comforting L-handsign whenever the fandom is in distress, in celebration or at any random moment whenever he feels like reminding everyone that he knows, he listens, he cares and he is grateful. Suho for an EXO-L is a comforting agent. A band-aid to sometimes a wounded fandom.

Just having Suho as EXO's leader is enough for my EXO-L heart to swell with pride.
I miss him. I love him. 💙

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