27 - The Storm

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Raghav slammed the car door and walked towards his destination. With each step his mind swirled with a million thoughts. The control he prided himself on was now gone. His only intent was to get to Pallavi.

He walked into the shop and looked around for Pallavi. Not seeing her or Krishna he headed straight for the back office.  He found them huddled together speaking in low tones and laughing. Upon seeing him they both stood up in surprise.

"Raghav" A beautiful smile lit up her face and for an instant he forgot his anger.

"I need to speak with you"

Her smile dropped a little hearing his tone.

"I will be outside" Krishna made a rush to leave. But he didn't move out of the door frame. So she stood awkwardly in the middle.

"Not here."

Pallavi gave a slight nod. Her smile completely gone now. For a instant regret creeped into his heart but he steeled his heart.

She grabbed her purse and walked towards phim. She tried to give a small smile but it dropped before it was fully formed. Clearly she was starting to understand the gravity of his mood. Without saying anything he turned and walked away. A few seconds later he felt her walk next to him. He ignored his instincts to hold her hand. Silently they piled into the car and he drove. He had expected her to ask questions but she stayed silent just looking out the window. He wondered what was going in her mind at that moment. She must have many questions. Realizing that he shouldn't be thinking about what she is feeling when she lied to him. He tightened his hold on the steering and drove the last 10 mins clearing his mind of her.

They arrived at the house situated on a busy street yet it seemed secluded from the way the trees lined up in the front. Not many people knew that he owned this place which is exactly why he loved it. It was simple two story house. There was nothing extraordinary to the architecture. It was perfect in its simplicity and commonness. He led the way again into the house.

The inside of the house reflected none of the simplicity of the outside. Everything on the inside screamed of money, grandeur and modernization. Anyone on the outside would never be able to guess the treasures that were kept inside.

He walked over to the prominent bar area and fixed himself a drink, not caring that it was more lunch time than drinking time. As his drink was made he turned around to face her. She stood in the middle of the room looking around, her face filled with anxiety. His inner devil smiled - this was lamb was ready to be slaughtered. He leaned against the bar so that she felt more unease with the situation.

"Tell me Pallavi. Were you born with the talent of lying or did you learn the art?"

She looked at him. "Raghav? What are you..."

He interrupted "what am I talking about. Really? Are you going to continue playing this game until the end?" Without waiting for an answer he continued. "Fine. To answer my own question I think it's a mixture. You were born with some degree of talent for lying  but you didn't recognize it's full potential until your innocent face was developed. Did I get it right?"

"I don't know what you are talking about? What's wrong why are you behaving like this?"

"Really. Tell me how should I behave when I find out that you have been lying to me all this time?"

As awareness dawned, her facial expression changed. With this his last ray of hope diminished. It was all true. She had lied to him, played with him and now she must pay the price.

He walked towards her slowly and deliberately.

"What no excuses?"

"I was...I.."

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