18 - Of Meetings and Advices

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Nikhil unlocked the house door and let Pallavi walk in ahead of him. Most of the lights were turned off as everyone had long gone to bed. He turned on the lights to the living room so that they could see where they were stepping.

"So Di where do you want to talk?"

Pallavi looked at him in surprise. He laughed. "I am not that old di. I don't forget easily."

She rolled her eyes at him. "Coffee?"

"Yes. How about I make coffee and you go change. I will meet you at our spot?"


She left to change while Nikhil went to the kitchen. In no time he had two steaming cups of coffee ready. He grabbed the cups and headed upstairs to his room. Once he changed his clothes he ascended another flight of stairs to the terrace.

As a young boy, he used to hid out in the terrace whenever he was upset or needed to think. When Pallavi came into his life. She first joined him on the terrace when he had a a particularly bad fight with his Kaka and Baba about his career. She had found him sitting in a corner and took his hand and  just sat with him. In that silence he had felt more comfort and support than ever before. In the last two years she had become more of a friend then a sister. Though their real relationship was that of devar/Bhabhi.

The relationship between Mandaar and him was never close as there was a significant age difference between them. Yet with Pallavi he had connected instantly. The time after Mandaar and Pallavi's wedding he had tried to support her, yet she was the one being the support system for everyone in his family. She was their strength in the darkest days the Deshmukh family had seen.

When the family finally came to accept the death of Mandaar. Nikhil was shamed to admit that he feared her leaving him - them. They, him in particular, has become so used to her that life without her seemed unbearable. To the surprise of the whole family. She didn't talk about leaving. When others brought up the topic she blatantly  refused saying this was her home and her family. When Baba couldn't run the Saree Shop she had taken that responsibility too. When Baba had insisted Nikhil take the responsibility she had stood up for him. She wanted him to achieve his dreams and not compromise in life. It was at that point that Nikhil truly understood the goodness of her. From then on he had called her Di rather than Bhabhi. He had vowed to give her all the happiness in life, as no one in his opinion deserved it more.

When he had found out that Mandaar was alive that day he was so furious. All he could see was Pallavi broken and crying for the loss of a man that had been selfish. Before anyone could say anything he was in front of the man who cause his sister so much pain and punched him. The officers had to separate them because he kept on punching that b****d. He would have happily killed him for Pallavi. Though he knew Pallavi would be upset at his actions and would lecture him right and wrong. That day he made another vow - Mandaar would never again be the reason for his sisters pain.

"You look very angry"

Nikhil came out of reverie and smiled at Pallavi. "I was thinking about the first time you came up here."

She came and sat down with him. In one had she took the coffee cup the other went around his hand. "I remember it like yesterday."

"I want you to be happy Di. I hope you know that?"

"I know that. You're the best brother I could ask for."

"I....I...thank you Di."

He intertwined their fingers.

"About Raghav Sir? How do you know him?"

"I met him the night we found out Mandaar was alive. I left the house at night. I was agitated and  mad so I went out to clear my mind. I met him in the park. We talked then I left. Then I met him again at the Saree Shop he was buying a saree for his sister."

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