13 - Siblings

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Pallavi was working in her office, finalizing the designs for a new stock of Sarees. Every six months DSE released a collection of sarees from local designers. The event was so popular now that they would get lots of applications and had a waiting list of designers. It was Pallavi's job to go through the applications and shortlist designs based on the theme.

She had spent the better part of the morning looking through the designs and was super confused. Frustrated she threw the pen down on the desk just as Krishna walked in.

"What's Didi?"

"Just confused today. I don't know why?"

"I know"

"Really? Then tell me Baba Krishnadevi."

She giggled like a child.

"You are waiting for someone's call or message."

"What are you talking about?" Pallavi pulled back her hand as it was sitting on her phone.

"Come on didi every time I came back here you have checked your phone. Is it that guy - Raghav Rao?"

Pallavi regretted her impulsive decision to tell Krishna everything. Though she didn't give details of the intimate part she did give a brief - he kissed me like statements. Since then Krishna has been going on and on about Raghav in connection to everything. It was true that  Pallavi was annoyed that Raghav hadn't messaged her at all. He usually messaged her in the morning. It had become a routine for them, well at least for her. She looked forward to it, but today nothing. She thought about messaging him but it fell into the whole emotional attachment area so she forced herself to not text.

"It's nothing like that Krishna. I am just confused with the designs."

"You know what they say about denial. I will drop it for now. How about spending time outside it will help you clear your mind and then you can go back to selecting."

Pallavi got up only to prove Krishna incorrect about the Raghav comment. She also left her phone behind to stop herself from looking at it. As they walked out pallavi smiled looking around the shop. It wasn't as busy this morning but the customers that did come were all looking happy. She walked around talking to a few people seeing it they needed anything.

As she finished talking to a mother and daughter duo her eyes fell on a young girl - actually woman. She seemed like a 21 - 22 year old girl that had walked into the store. She was looking around the shop possibly looking for someone. Pallavi walked over to her.

"Hi Welcome to DSE. Can I help you with something"

She flinched in surprise.

"Oh...hi..I am looking for a saree."

"Sure. What type of saree are you looking for?"

She sighed as if giving up.

"Honestly I don't know. I am starting a saree collection so I wanted see the different styles and understand them better"

"Oh that sounds wonderful. I feel every woman should have a saree collection. Here let me show you what we have. "

Together they walked over to the quieter side of the shop and Pallavi started talking about different saree types while pulling samples for her to see. Before they knew it almost a hour passed with the two women talking. They had every type of saree laid out around them.

Pallavi felt an instant liking to her. Krishna came over at one point when Pallavi went to make introductions she realized they didn't exchange names.

"Sorry I didn't introduce myself - I'm Pallavi"

"PALLAVI!!" Her loud voice shocked both Krishna and Pallavi. "Sorry, just got excited for a moment. My friend told me about you, that you're the owner so I wasn't expecting you to be out here"

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