26 - Calm Before the Storm

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Pallavi turned off the gas and poured the chai in a cup. She heard some noise behind her but didn't turn around. She knew who it was without having to see.

"So this is how you ignore me"

Pallavi rolled her eyes. Aayi was nothing sort of dramatic.

"I am not ignoring you Aayi."

"Then why Did you run off to the kitchen."

"I came to make your chai."

With that she turned around to hand Aayi the cup.

"Do you really think a cup of chai - even one made by your hand - will distract me?"

She leaned against the counter and pulled a jar of spicy peanuts towards herself. It was her favorite snack and this seemed like the perfect time to snack.

"I am not trying to distract you Aayi. I already told you. I met Raghav. What else do you want to know?"

"Nothing I want a answer to my question. When are you going to invite Raghav to dinner?"

"I told you Aayi it's not a good idea. Baba will not like Raghav coming here." In her mind she imagined Raghav's reaction to the dinner invite. She was sure that he would decline the invite. Theirs was not a relationship that encompassed dinner invites.  She couldn't tell this to Aayi.

"Forget your baba. I will talk to him. I want you to invite Raghav. That's it."

"No Aayi."

She sighed dramatically. "I miss the days you used to be scared of me."

Pallavi laughed. "I am sorry to break your ITV saas bubble, but I wasn't scared of you. I was just getting used to my new environment."

Saying nothing she stood in the middle of the kitchen. Pallavi could see the wheels in her head turning as she tried to figure out a way to invite Raghav.  It was better to cut her off right now before she made additional plans.

"Mandaar messaged me"

She didn't know what made her say that.  This was not how she had wanted to bring up this topic. Cursing at her stupidity she looked at Aayi who had become a statue.

"He wants to meet me. That's it."

She tried to ease some tension out of Aayi, but she seemed in her own world. Slowly she moved forward and touched her hand.


It was when she tightened her grip on Aayi's hand that Aayi looked at her.

Once she was sure that Aayi was indeed listening to her, she tried again.

"I need to speak with him."

"No you don't. He will cause you pain nothing more. What you need is to let go of him and the past and move on with your life."

"How can I move on Aayi, When we are are still connected?"

"You just have to keep him out of your mind and life."

Now it was Aayi who was tightening her hold, trying to convey her desperation.

"Mandaar and I are still legally married. I could push him out of my mind and life but that won't change the fact that I am still his wife."

Aayi didn't say anything.

"You want me to free of him. So do I."

At this Aayi looked at her and placed her palm on her cheek.

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