Chapter 6 - Visitors

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"Mr. Haider I understand your urgency but I cannot do anything. My employer has given strict instructions on abroad travels. He will not  travel to Dubai or anywhere else for a month. I apologize on the inconvenience but you will need to come to India. We will pay for all expenses."

Farhad hung up the call after a few minutes. His Anna was always eccentric but his behavior nowadays is just unpredictable. He finished a few last minute emails and closed the laptop.

He closed his eyes and took a few minutes to relax. He felt a pair of arms around his neck. The smell of vanilla Engulfed his senses. He took a deep breath making up for all the times she was away from him. Holding on to her arms he kissed her hand.

"I missed you"


"I don't lie"

"All you care about is your Anna. I am second place."

"If I didn't love you I wouldn't have broken my rules Kriti."

"You've been hanging with bhai too much. All this rules talk is such rubbish"

Farhad moved her hands away and stood up. He turned towards her. The moment he saw her today he wanted to hug her. Only he knew how much self control it took to not take her in his arms. With Raghav next to him that was impossible. Now that they were alone he did what he wanted to do all day. He hugged her tight. Making up for the two years that she was away from him.

"I missed you Jaan"

"I missed you too"

They stood there hugging each other. Just the feeling each other's presence. Over the last two years they had talked on the phone all the time. Even FaceTime each other but nothing compared to being in each other's presence.

"Farhad I want to tell bhai about us"

"Hmm Kriti I agree we should tell him. That is to say I will tell him. But I think we need to wait for a little."

"Wait! Are you serious? You have wanted to tell him from the beginning and now you want to wait?"

"He has been distracted recently so I am just saying wait a few days then we will tell him. Okay?"

"That's fine. You aren't worried are you? He loves you. He will be happy"

"He loves you more. And I am not worried we will deal with whatever comes."

He broke away from the hug. Dropped a small kiss on her forehead and stepped back.

"Goodnight Jaan!"



She couldn't believe her eyes. After such a long time. He was standing in front of her.


"Pallavi you haven't changed a bit."

He took a step forward and she took one back automatically. He came inside the house and closed the door.

"What are you doing here? No one is home!"

"I know. I made sure you were alone. I needed to talk to you."

"We have nothing to talk about! Baba told me everything."

"I am sure he did only his side. You need to hear the full of it. I did not set out to betray you."

"Yet you did. That is neither here or there."

"I planned on telling you the truth but I just couldn't. So I took the cowards way out. You didn't deserve it."

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