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EXO is the only K-pop group who's able to break my prejudice about K-pop and made me walk with pride being an EXO-L despite the stigma a K-pop group fan brings. I still do not consider myself a K-pop fan nor I think that time will come, but I love being an EXO-L and proud of it.

Knowing EXO allowed me to understand the K-pop culture better and allowed me to discover some real talented gems thus breaking my prejudice. Although K-pop as a genre is not my cup of tea, I'm still happy, knowing I gained an understanding from it.

I really love music. I do not have a particular favorite genre, I mean, I listen to everything. What is important to me is the vibe – the feeling that I get when I listen to a song. I'm not a musician but because I listen to music a lot, I am very particular with the composition of a song and the quality of sound it brings to my ears . I just don't hear music; I listen to it. I don't really care how old is the song or who sang it, if it is popular or not, what is important is if I like the sound I hear, that'll stick to me for sure.

To be honest, one does not need a pair of expert ears to know what's a good sound and what isn't. You just know, plus you feel that elation, that connection and you vibe with it – that's when you know the song is good. At least that's how it is for me.I know like beauty; good music is also subjective but like any other subjective things there are just some things you can't deny no matter your preference – some are just straight up facts you cannot refute. Like, EXO's talents.

Now, what are the things that made me fall head over heels about EXO?Well, I've been a fangirl from a very young age, and I love so many celebrities from all over the world in different fields specially singers but I never encountered a group of people with such magnitude of talents and magnetic charisma as EXO.

If it is EXO, you know it's the vocals.

I take pride being a fan knowing that EXO has some of the best vocalists not only in K-pop but the music industry in general. Some of the best singing I've heard so far from the plethora of artists in the world is from EXO.

Fight me, but EXO's main vocalists are phenomenal singers at par with all the greats in the industry. You are dumb if you ever deny that. The lead vocalists are exceptional singers as well who can give any main vocalist a run for their money. I mean if Suho & Xiumin bagging lucrative musical roles isn't enough proof then I don't know what is. How many albums did Yixing released again? King vocalist behavior only. A rapper who can sing very well? Nah that shouldn't be allowed right? that's cheating... sorry not sorry though because Chanyeol got it all. Main dancers who can rap & sing as well? Yes! Our maknaes can do that!

Having nine exceptional singers in the group enables EXO to create some of the best harmonies & vocal layering I've ever heard in my life . The uniqueness of each members vocal tone when joined together produces a sound so pleasing it sends you right to heaven and back.It's fascinating how they can pull-off any genre as a group, a sub-unit or solo too. They are too good that no matter which members you mix and match, their voices blends so well and it works perfectly.

The vocals of EXO – that's my biggest flex as a fan.

Kpop is not Kpop without choreography of course. I thought before a group can only have one thing they're best at, oh boy, was I mistaken.I'm not a dancer, really NOT... I mean, I have a pair of left feet. My sensory motor just stops when I'm being asked to dance hence, I really enjoy watching people dance but goodness gracious, EXO not only can dance but also serve top tier dance routines and has some of Kpop's top tier main dancers. If the main vocal line is exceptional so as the dance line.

As far as I can observed, K-pop is always about flashy dances, fast, sharp, mostly thumping and jumping, short repetitive and synchronized movements which is all good and mesmerizing but to be honest, sometimes it takes away the entertainment value of the performance. I always feels like watching a magic trick, it goes by so fast I don't even remember what I just watched. Most groups that I've seen gives off impressive dance routines and I'll be mesmerized by their dance moves but then it makes me forget to pay attention to their singing. It forces me to focus only on the dancing instead of both dancing and singing. I find it messy at times.

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