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"He's a friend from college"-Sprite

You moved to take your seat away from the group to take in the silence and regroup your head

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You moved to take your seat away from the group to take in the silence and regroup your head. Normally Druig, Ajak, or Thena would help to calm you down, Gilgamesh just trying his best to help comfort you through the thoughts, but Druig was gone, Ajak was dead and Thena had lost her mind years ago. You were pulled out of your thoughts when Kingo had taken the seat beside you, his camera man right beside him filming. Thena glared at Karun who nervously smiled back, trying to ease tension between the warrior.

"How do you feel about seeing Druig again after all these years?" Kingo questioned, the camera getting pushing towards your face.

"Leave her alone" Gilgamesh told him as he pushed the camera away from you, Karun almost dropping it. You stood abruptly, moving away from them all to be alone and to clear your thoughts in hopes nobody would bother you further.

Present day

You lead the group into the forest, Ikaris had wanted to take the lead, but they agreed that you would be better up front as you had a sense of where you were going and Ikaris did not. You paused when you were deep enough into the forest, focusing deeply on Druig's mind that you had not been connected with in thousands of years. You pushed aside your fear, thinking purely on the mission at hand, saving the world.

"What is she doing?" Ikaris questioned in frustration at why you had stopped moving.

"She's thinking" Gilgamesh reminded sternly from beside Thena.

"This way" you lead them further after feeling Druig silently in your head, neither of you speaking. You lead them into the small village that had been built within the tree covered landscape. Thena looked around carefully while a little girl walking by waved at Sersi. Everything seemed at peace to someone else, but you knew everything was wrong here.

"Good afternoon" a woman smiled to Kingo as she walked by. He smiled back politely as Karun filmed the scene from beside him.

"It's very nice here, sir"

"Don't be fooled, ignorance is bliss" Kingo told him.

"Hey, we're looking for druig Is he here?" Sprite approached a man.

"Yes, How do you know Druig?" The man turned around to ask her as you stayed close to Thena and Gilgamesh, not wanting to get involved with Druig and the people he had taken care of.

"He's a friend from college" she replied simply using an old excuse that Ajak had told you all to use. You stood on guard as everyone went blank and their eyes bagan to glow, Thena feeling you tense up beside her.

"Hello Sprite" the man said to her. You cowered behind the group, not ready for what was about to happen when Druig walked out of the doors ahead. Druig stepped out and his eyes were focused on you and only you, by this point the others moved forward as you stayed closer to the back with Thena who understood your struggle to be here.

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