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"Give me your hand" -Gilgamesh

"Give me your hand" -Gilgamesh

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Present day

You were sitting at the table with Thena, both of you having a simple conversation when you heard chaos erupt outside where Gilgamesh was. You stood to check on it when Thena's eyes went white. She stood abruptly and summoned a weapon as you stood back carefully, sword out of reach on the other side of the room.

"Thena, listen to my voice" you tried to keep her calm, stepping closer to reach for her head. "I'm sorry " you apologized, putting her to sleep. You caught the heavy weight of her unconscious body, gently setting her down on the floor with a blanket under her head. You jumped across her and grabbed your sword, rushing outside to meet Gilgamesh and see what the problem was.

"They're back" he warned as you stood by his side.

"Yeah I got that" you told him, drawing your sword in front of you, looking at the large Deviant in front of you.

"Where's Thena?" he worried for her.

"I had to put her to sleep" you explained simply, eyes focused ahead at the task at hand. He sent you a nod as you stood together, ready to fight back and take down the Deviants once again.

"Think you can put this thing to sleep too?" he asked in a joking manner with a chuckle.

"Maybe" you thought deeply on it, understanding that theoretically it would work.

"Really?" Giligamesh looked back to you in shock.

"Watch out!" You warned, but he had already been knocked back harshly by the monster you had been sent to kill. You ran towards them, pressing a hand onto the Deviant as you put it to sleep. Gilgamesh punched it back, killing it with one hit.

"Are you alright?" He stood and placed a hand on each of your shoulders, worried that may have drained you mentally.

"Yeah, I'm alright" you nodded to him.

"Is it down for good?" He looked over to the Deviant with his question to you. You closed your eyes, reaching out your mind to feel if the Deviant was still alive or not before answering Gilgamesh.

"Yeah it's down for good" you promised.

Thena had woken up, Gilgamesh taking her over to her tree to have some peace and quiet. You were outside with Gilgamesh, meditating on the chaos inside your head while he baked a pie for dinner. Ever since the first time you had to save Thena's mind all those years ago you had both been gradually getting worse. Thena's mind was breaking and you were seeing everything that she saw clearly, filling your head with the death and chaos that was possibly to come.

Emotions of worry and stress entered your mind, you knew it couldn't be Gilgamesh. And there were too many thoughts for it to be Thena alone. Thoughts and memories came back in a rush as your eyes shot open in realization.

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