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"She's in pain"-Druig

"Y/n, why were you nervous to ask me for help?" Thena spoke up sensing the tension even if she didn't have your powers and ability's

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"Y/n, why were you nervous to ask me for help?" Thena spoke up sensing the tension even if she didn't have your powers and ability's.

"I guess, I'm just not a fighter and I don't know you guys as well as I know the others" you shrugged. "You are also intimidating" you let out a soft laugh at the end in attempt to not sound as scared as you thought you did.

"We are family" Thena reminded. "You don't have to be intimidated unless you have reason" she said, styling your hair nicely, pinning the braid to your head. 

"Thanks for the help!" You cheered getting up, happy to have become friends with an Eternal who is not a thinker.

"Wait" Makkari signed to you, speeding off to her room. She returned with a sword and handed it to you carefully.

"Thank you." you questioned with confusion as you accepted it.

"Now you don't have to feel intimidated and Thena can train you" Makkari sighed her explanation.

"That's a great idea" the goddess of war agreed with her fellow fighter. You smiled with a nod of appreciation before walking out into the hallway to return to your room.

"Woah! Whatcha got there?" Druig asked in shock as you stepped out of the room and almost bumped into him with the sword.

"Makkari gave it to me" you held up the sword proudly.

"Well, be careful walking around with that" he warned.

"I can carry a sword" you reminded sharply.

"I know you can, but with Makkari speeding around and Sersi running late and Kingo joking roughly someone could get hurt" he explained his worry while walking side by side with you back o your room to return the sword. You set the sword on your shelf carefully.

"Ready to go?" You spun on your heel to face druig who had been leaning in your doorway.

"After you" he replied into your head, stepping aside to present you forward into the hallway.


"Day one, y/n" a knock came to your door but no response followed. "Y/n?" Thena carefully stepped inside, looking around to find you missing.

"Morning Thena!" You cheered walking in behind her casually. She spun around swiftly and pulled a blade to your throat. "Woah" you gasped in shock, freezing in place.

"Sorry, you snuck up on me" she claimed stepping back and retracting the weapon from your throat. "Where were you?" She asked as you moved around her to set down your basket that was filled with little trinkets.

"I normally head into town early to see if I can help out with anything" you shrugged pulling out a dagger from the basket. "Here I know you don't need a weapon because you can make your own, but I thought you might like this" you handed the weapon to the warrior who tilted her head with a smile as she accepted it.

Heart And Mind (Druig x reader)Where stories live. Discover now