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the tree in the park looks like the image top/side


Naruto hadn't slept at all after Sasuke left with the biggest smile he's ever seen on the brunette. He had been planning everything quietly in his semi cleaned room. He hadn't cared that Sasuke cleaned it. He had a notebook sitting on the covers. Ripped papers laid around here and there on the bed and floor near it. Some of the papers were balled up and attempted to be thrown at the trash can in the corner of his room next to the window. Naruto also had color coded his plan with fine point Sharpies. He couldn't wait to get his revenge on Sasuke.

After everything he's been through with the brunette Naruto wanted Sasuke to feel the same pain. He wanted Sasuke to know what it was like to feel useless and worthless. Wanted the brunette to know that nothing he did could ever make up Naruto's broken heart. Naruto wanted Sasuke to cry hours like Naruto had. Wanted to make Sasuke understand what he went through.

It was four thirty- eight in the morning, and he could hear Iruka welcoming Kakashi back home. He smirked and decided to pick up his mess before Iruka came in to check on him. Quickly writing down his final thoughts on paper in green sharpie, he shoved everything under his pillow. He laid out on the bed and pulled the covers over his left leg to make it look like he had been tossing and turning. he turned the frog shaped lamp on his nightstand off just before Iruka walked in with Kakashi.

"Aw, look at him." Iruka awed and pulled the covers over Naruto's fake sleeping body.

"Yeah, little knuckle head. " Kakashi agreed as he walked over to shut the blinds and curtains.

"I feel so bad for him. Getting his heart broken like that." Iruka whispered as he caressed Naruto's cheek.

"That dumbass didn't know how great Naruto was to him. If I ever see him again, he better hope someone stops me." Kakashi threatened.

"Oh stop. You know Itachi wouldn't let you harm his brother." Iruka laughed as he kissed Naruto's head and walked over to the door where Kakashi was waiting.

"He did actually. He said I coul-" Kakashi said just before shutting the door.

Naruto smiled and cuddled into bed to sleep for real. He couldn't wait to see his plan in action. He sighed happily, knowing Sasuke was going to pay later. Naruto's mind drifted to dreamland.


The sun rose over the horizon waking the world below it. The sky was splashed with warm colors as the day started. Animals woke and started singing their morning melodies. Families woke to have breakfast together before departing on their own things. Cars came and went as some parents went to work or came home. There was a breeze that blew Naruto's curtains, allowing the sun to shine through before they shut again. It was already warming up for the summer day. 

Naruto rolled over in bed kicking the covers off. He was sweating and groaning. His mind was still far away. It played twisted tricks on him just before he sat up with wide eyes on the brink of crying. He breathed heavily trying to calm himself. His heart was racing in his chest, and he could feel the sweat dripping down his face. Orienting himself to where he was Naruto calmed down and moved to get off the bed. He leaned over his knees and sighed into his hands. 

His mind had taken the trauma of being raped and added Sasuke to the mix. It made it to where Sasuke was the one raping him and telling him that he wasn't worth it. Then it had added the blonde teen Sasuke was seen with after the talent show and the two of them were molesting Naruto's body. Then it altered to just Sasuke. He was walking with his friends and someone blacked figure on his arm. Then he was walking down the aisle with the figure before laughing in Naruto's face. Naruto's chest hurt just remembering the dream, so he slapped himself. 

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