Chapter 8 ☆ the reveal ☆

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Sorry this came this late T-T I thought I had published it with the other story but it seems I forgot.


Hawks (Keigo)'s pov

I woke up feeling a lot more energetic than usual, I still need to go to work but as I noticed the black clock on the wall it turned out I still have a few hours to go. My shift started at ten while it was six at the moment. Tsuki is so lucky he got a vacation and Tou's a villain but they aren't always doing something most of the times they are free to do whatever they please.

Tsuki wasn't in sight anywhere as I sat up and put the blanket Tsuki must've putten on us on Tou. The front door creaked open as a drenched Tsuki walked in the house. I could stifle my laughter a bit as I quickly found one of the towels Tsuki had brought downstairs yesterday.

"W-what are you doing up this early?" Tsuki questioned as he slightly shivered. With a grin I pulled him in an embrace while I put the towel on his head, drying his hair. "Keigo, let go you'll get wet." Tsuki muttered, a slight tint of pink dusting his cheeks. "Hmm but you're shivering, Tsuki." I stated as I finished off drying his hair. "Go get changed, I'll make you some hot chocolate." I said as Tsuki's brows furrowed. "Don't tell me what to do." Tsuki whisper-yelled knowing Tou was still asleep.

As Tsuki went upstairs I warmed the milk and added the chocolate powder in it as I remembered I had to go to the agency at nine since a few pros wanted to talk about this new villain. "What are you makin' Kei?" Tou questioned as he hugged me from behind. "Hot choco want some?" I asked as Tou shivered at the thought of hot choco. "I'd rather have coffee this early in the morning, unlike you I don't drink whatever in the morning." Tou stated.

"Mornin' Touya." Tsuki muttered as he looked at us with a rare smile on his face which got replaced with a seriousness rather quickly. "There's an issue or rather two I'd like to discuss with you two." Tsuki said as he took the hot choco and went to sit down on the couch in the living.

As I and Tou sat down too, I noticed scars all over Tsuki's arms when he lifted his cup and his sleeve slipped down. "What the fuck happened to you?" Tou yelled out. "Nothing don't worry, smartass. It's just an illusion it'll be gone in an hour." Tsuki calmly stated as he sipped on his hot choco. "What did you want to discuss, Tsuki?" I questioned as he looked at Tou.

"Turns out the villain who used his quirk on Touya got captured." Tsuki smirked. "That's gotta do with the fake scars." I grinned. "Hmm, the agency said that the quirk lasts three days. When you're healed the scars will reopen. It's some type of pain quirk to hurt you over and over again but since many of your scars are healing very slowly you don't need the solution for now." Tsuki explained.

"And what is the other matter?" Tou questioned. "Very funny you mentioned this." Tsuki said, he seemed nervous but why would he be or did he catch a cold? "I'm not even saying anything about this shit." Tsuki muttered as his strings started to shine brightly until the entire room was filled with bright light from our strings, guess he found out.

"Oh, you finally found out." Tou muttered as stars sparkled in his and Tsuki's eyes. "It's so pretty, this scenery, it's all sparkly and shit." Tsuki said, a rare smile on his face. "When did you find out?" I questioned. "Today, when I came back. I saw it fading and then revealed the entire thread, it kinda fucking pulled me back here." Tsuki explained. "Oh, well we've known for a while now." Tou muttered. "I bet you did." Tsuki answered.

"You know, we woke up half naked wondering why the hell we both were on the ground with such a severe headache we took two painkillers." Touya stated as Tsuki burst out in laughter, he seemed so cute. "I woke up after an entire week." Tsuki muttered. "Come here, we'll take it slow yeah?" I said as Tsuki grinned. "When did you guys know it was me?" Tsuki questioned. "Well, I found out the same day we fainted but Tou didn't want to know he said he'd find out himself." I answered. "The day we kidnapped you, my strings started flickering yellow after you were in the base. I had to follow it finding out that you were the second person I was bound to." Tou explained.

"Well, wonder what 'zawa would say and Recovery girl too." Tsuki muttered as he dozed off. I sat up and made sure he leaned on Tou so I could go back home. "I'll take care of him." Tou promised as I left, it was just eight but it'll take a while to find the right files. 

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