Chapter 29

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Micks Pov

The after math of Charlies mum, she was just a mess and didn't know what think anymore it was pure chaos, that's why we currently in her car and I am driving as she is on no state to drive, plus with a big race tomorrow this just not what she needs but I have a plan amazing idea, to help her re-focus her mind. Then once we got home, her dads dogs and Angie came to the door and she ended up in pile with the dogs on the floor cuddling all them all, that's when I headed to her room and went to her bathroom and started to run a bath for her then once I had done I found some candles and set up her bathroom went back downstairs to find her basically in ball on the floor crying her eyes out, I always remember she use to cry in front of me or her dad.

So I then got down to her level, picked up leaning her against my knees as I got back to stand, she buried her head into my neck and as we reached her bedroom I walked through and then she saw the bathroom and everything I had done and she whispered, "thank you" and so I put her down and kissed her lips and then her forehead, I then left her to enjoy the bath in privacy, when I got back down , mark had just walked in, I told him that Charlie was having a bath and then with that he took the hounds out for their evening walk as I made a head start on dinner for us all.

I was in my own little world in the kitchen, so much so I didn't even notice Charlie had joined until I felt her arms around my waist, I smiled and asked, "how was your bath?" and she nodded back and said that was amazing just what I needed thanks" and then I asked, "how you feeling, right now?" she simply looked at me and said "confused why she is back and just not wanting her crap, and I feel shit about dad and his position, I am not mad anymore I just want to hug him and burn those letters, so they aren't a problem for us anymore and I don't want to see my mum, I don't want a relationship with her." I looked over my shoulder at her as she was still hugging me and so I turned my self around in her arms and said, "hey I am always going to back your choices and right now I am 100% backing you and yes you don't need her in your life she has already caused drama and you not being focused on your race bike scares the fuck out of me, and we all want you to always make it back in one piece."

Marks POV

The walk really helped to straighten out my head, as I opened the back I heard mick and Charlie chatting in the kitchen, and lets hope this keeps clear for tomorrow and so with that I went to find the letters and once I had them, the patio door was open and the fire pit was burning nicely and the outside table was all set and ready for dinner and that's when I saw her and mick dancing around the kitchen, I am so lucky these two found each other again, then mick and Charlie came out with the food.

Charlie she ran straight into my arms and we hugged for a long time, I love my daughter and I only want the best for her, she pulled away and with tears in her eyes she said "dad, I love you, you have always been in my corner, always there when I have needed you to be and you have protected me and my interests and I want to say thank you! for everything you have done and dad you did the right thing, I promise you that, If you had given me these letters it would have been worse for me, and I might have never chased my dream and be where I am, but you know something I have never needed her as I already have the best parent ever!" then with that she pick up the pile of letters and threw them onto the fire and turned around and said "what is her game?, I mean why here? and why now? She trying to prove I'm not cut out for this world?"

I then said "honey, we will figure this whole thing out but for now, let's eat and enjoy what is left of tonight and lets get you and head on straight!, does that sound like a good plan?" then they both nodded and with that we sat down and started talking about how the data looked, from qualifying and what not, but it was shame as Oscar was here but he was out with his friends, but finally hearing Charlie laugh again, was heaven to my ears and then eventually the evening came to a close and they headed off to bed with angie hot on their heels.

I am just hopping Charlie can keep her head on straight for the race tomorrow, we need her to stay focused on the track, but if I know my daughter she will find her focus again.

Charlie Pov

I woke up as the sun started to rise, I was wrapped up in micks arms with angie at the bottom of the bed, I genuinely felt at peace right now, I know today will be a challenge but I am lucky to have him in my life and once he woke up, we had discussed telling the world about us and I feel like it would be perfect day to do that and with that we both headed over to the socials and posted the announcement that we are officially girlfriend and boyfriend, yes the group chat went crazy with jokes about how they didn't have a clue and what not that put me in a better mood.

Then before I knew we where making are way to the track, then I saw all our friends and got talking with them and then before I knew I had to go warm up and get changed and ready and focus on the race ahead, then I heard Oscar say, "hey good luck sis!, I love you, you have got this!" I then hugged him and said, "aww thanks bro!" then I saw mick walk over and he kissed me and said, "you got this bestie, always and forever come home safe and sound." I said back "babe, always and forever."

Then he left to join the others in the VIP box and then lastly but not least my dad came over, hugged me, and said "kiddo, go out there have fun, enjoy the track and for the love of fuck come home!" and I laughed at my dad's comment, and then said, "well I super promise to safe and to always come to the family dad!"

Then he went to the back of my garage and then I saw my teammate and we said are usual saying and just as I got on my bike I heard this female say, "don't I get to wish my daughter good luck and a safe race?" and with two looks at the security and they knew what to do, and so took my helmet off and said "what daughter?, because I am not yours and you are not my mum, and I don't want anything to do with you and listen carefully fuck off and don't you dare come back as I never want to see you again, you have caused enough damage and chaos, that's not what I need, so goodbye Alison."

Then with that I looked at the back to see my dad, nodding and my team patted me on the back and then they said, "alright champ let's give Silverstone a good show!" and again I put my helmet back on as my mum was being removed by the security guards and they walked her out of Silverstone and they told her that she has been banned from any of my future races too.

When I left the garage I had a smile on my face, as I stood up for myself, my career, and my family again, and now its time to do what I do the best!

Let's fucking race! 

Racing is a part of my DNA... (Mark Webber's Daughter) FT. (Mick Schumacher)Where stories live. Discover now